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Kaj posluša Tyondai Braxton?
Èetrtek, 30. 6. 2011

avtor/ica: goran

Pred premiernim koncertom Newyorèanov Battles si bomo zavrteli zanimiv izbor skladb njihovega nekdanjega osrednjega èlana, ki je po odhodu iz zasedbe zagnal uspešno solistièno kariero...

Oddaja v celoti!

tyondaijev izbor;

The London Sinfonietta - Conlon Nancarrow Arr. Yvar Mikhashoff - Study
No.7 - Warp Works And Twentieth Century Masters: I love this
arrangement of this Nancarrow piece. So vibrant and bizarre.

Glenn Branca - First Movement - The World Upside Down: Brancas guitar
symphonies are truely awesome but these orchestra pieces are some of
my favorite of his recordings

Sonic Youth - Death Valley '69 - Bad Moon Rising: This band in my high
school covered this song at a show and I was mezmorized. They did a
great version of it. I bought the record because of that and it was a
real eye opener, getting into the world of Sonic Youth.

Autechre - The Plc - Quaristice: Great track from a group I deeply
love and respect.

Animal Collective - In the Flowers - Merriweather Post Pavillion: One
of my favorite songs from this band.

The Bulgarian State Radio & Television Female Choir - Stani Mi,
Maytcho - Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares, Vol. 2: I first heard this in
college. Still listen to it a lot. Incredible.

Caetano Veloso - Cucurrucu Paloma - The Best Of Caetano Veloso: My
girlfriend really loves Caetano and got me into a lot of his music.
This version of this song is really beautiful.

Toru Takemitsu - Music From the Banished Orin - The Film Music of Toru
Takemitsu: One of my favorite composers.

Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Pierre Boulez - Ameriques - Boulez
Conducts Varése: Amériques, Arcana, Déserts & Ionisation: My current

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