
Sobota, 10. 4. 2004

avtor/ica: eva

bo presegal vse meje!

english is below


Znal bo vse!
Tako oblikovanje besedil,
izbor glasbene podlage,
vključevanje tonskih efektov,
tehnično opremljanje,
kakor tudi načrtovanje in pripravo programske sheme,
presegal bo vse meje!


Prvotno smo zasnovo modela oblikovali na osnovi lastnih izkušenj, razgovorov z ostalimi partnerji in s pomočjo literature (Wilby, Pete and Conroy, Andy (1994): The Radio Handbook, Routledge, London and New York, Crisell, Andrew (1994): Understanding Radio, Routledge, London and New York, BBC (1996): Producers´ Guidelines, British Broadcasting Corporation, London). V naslednji stopnji bo v jeseni, predvidoma konec oktobra, organiziran prvi delovni sestanek, kjer se bodo srečali predstavniki partnerskih organizacij in dopolnili osnutek modela. Nato bo skupina študentov in brezposelnih opravila testno usposabljanje po modelu.

Usposabljanje bo vodila skupina vrhunskih radijskih strokovnjakov, ki jih bomo določili na prvem delovnem sestanku. Skupina usposabljajočih se študentov in brezposelnih bo redno pripravljala poročila, kjer bodo povzeli pridobljeno praktično znanje in veščine, svoje komentarje in predloge. Prav tako bodo svoje komentarje v pisni obliki podali mentorji, ki bodo spremljali in usposabljali testno skupino. Del testnega usposabljanja bodo vodili tudi predstavniki iz partnerskih organizacij. Med samim potekom testnega usposabljanja bo prirejen drugi delovni sestanek, na katerem bodo partnerji ugotavljali, ali usposabljanje poteka v želeni smeri in če so potrebne korektivne spremembe. Ob zaključku usposabljanja sledi sestanek s študenti in brezposelnimi, ki so se usposobili. Potekal bo debata o ustreznosti modela, potrebnih spremembah, ustreznosti časovne razporeditve sekcij, ustreznosti tem, težavnosti modela ipd. Sledil bo tretji delovni sestanek, na katerem bomo v sodelovanju s partnerji ustrezno spremenili, dopolnili in nadgradili model.

V naslednjem letu bo druga skupina študentov in brezposelnih preverila nadgrajeni model na podoben način kot ga je prva. Pričakujemo, da bo takrat popravkov bistveno manj. Tudi v okviru drugega testnega usposabljanja ga bodo deloma vodili predstavniki partnerskih organizacij. Med samim izvajanjem usposabljanja bodo partnerji na četrtem delovnem sestanku ocenili uspešnost nadgrajenega modela. Ob zaključku drugega testnega usposabljanja bo ponovno potekal razgovor s študenti, brezposelnimi in mentorji, ki bodo sodelovali v testnem usposabljanju.

Med obema skupinama, ki bosta dokončali usposabljanje, bodo partnerji izbrali štiri posameznike, ki bodo na testnih usposabljanjih pokazali najboljše rezultate in ti bodo pridobljene izkušnje en teden preverjali na Radiu Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji. Tako bomo dokončno ugotovili, ali model ustreza evropskim razmeram. Na zadnjem, petem delovnem sestanku, ki bo sledil povratku štirih udeležencev, bodo storjeni končni popravki in dopolnitve modela.

Tako bo dokončno oblikovan evropski model praktičnega usposabljanja za integralnega radijca. Sledila bo objava modela na projektni strani na internetu in diseminacija rezultatov.


študentom novinarstva

Z oblikovanjem evropskega modela praktičnega usposabljanja za integralnega radijca želimo študentom novinarstva ponuditi možnost za organizirano, planirano in celovito praktično usposabljanje na radijskem mediju. Na ta način bodo študentje novinarstva pridobili praktične izkušnje, ki jih novinarske fakultete ne morejo nuditi in so nujne za samostojno delo na radijski postaji. S tem bomo izboljšali zaposljivost in konkurenčnost mladih na evropskem delovnem trgu.

radijskim postajam

Z uporabo modela bodo lahko izvajale organizirano in celovito usposabljanje kadrov, ki bodo ob končanem treningu sposobni samostojno opravljati različna radijska dela.

evropskim fakultetam za novinarstvo
Model bo predstavljal izpopolnitev njihovega študijskega programa s praktičnim usposabljanjem, ki ga zaradi nerazpolaganja z radijskimi kapacitetami (strokovnjaki in opremo) same ne morejo nuditi.

Z vključitvijo vzorca nezaposlenih v oblikovanje in testiranje modela bomo zagotovili, da bo prilagojen tudi tistim, ki so bili umaknjeni iz delovnega okolja in so odtujeni od učenja.






Projekt izvaja:

Radio Študent

v sodelovanju s partnerji:


Ecole Superiore de Journalisme de Lille (ESJ), Francija,

FDV Faku
lteta za družbene vede, Katedra za novinarstvo
, Slovenija,

 Radio Agora, Avstrija,

RCorax Radio Corax in medien ost e.V., Nemčija,

ZZZS Zavod za zaposlovanje/, Slovenija.


Projekt je podprla Evropska skupnost.


All-round Broadcaster-net

will know everything!

Formulation of texts,



choosing musical outfit,


adding sound effects,

technical equipping,

planning and preparation of programme schedule,

in short,

All-Round Broadcaster will exceed all limits!  


The provisional framework model was designed on the basis of our own experience, talks conducted with other partners - the ESJ in particular - and the relevant literature (Wilby, Pete and Conroy, Andy (1994): The Radio Handbook, Routledge, London and New York; Crisell, Andrew (1994): Understanding Radio, Routledge, London and New York; BBC (1996): Producers´ Guidelines, British Broadcasting Corporation, London). At the next stage the first Steering Committee Meeting will be held in October this year, where representatives of the partner organisations will come together and complement the draft model and set criteria to choose a group of students. Next the chosen group of students from Faculty of journalism in Slovenia, 4 collaborators (students) of Radio Agora, Austria and the unemployed will undergo a test 8-weeks training according to the model.

The training will be run by a group of leading radio experts agreed upon at the First Steering Committee Meeting. The training team will regularly prepare reports which will sum up the acquired practical know-how and skills, their comments and suggestions. Similarly, written comments will be collected from mentors who will follow and train the test group. Part of the test training will also be carried out by representatives of partner organisations (each partner will carry out two days of the test training). During the test training period the second Steering Committee Meeting will be held. There, partners will ascertain whether the training goes in the desired direction or whether any corrections are necessary. At the end of the training period a meeting will be organised with the participating students and the unemployed. A discussion will be held about the suitability of the model, the required changes, the appropriateness of the time allocated to individual training parts, the suitability of topics, the level of standards etc. The third Steering Committee Meeting will follow, where all partners will take part in appropriately modifying, supplementing and upgrading the model.

In the following year the next group of students and the unemployed will test the upgraded model in a similar manner. We expect that this time round there will be far less corrections and comments by trainers and mentors. Again, part of the training will be run by representatives of partner organisations (each partner will carry out two days of the test training). During the training period the partners will assess the success of the upgraded model at the fourth Steering Committee Meeting. After the second test training is over, another debate with the participating students, the unemployed and mentors will take place.

From the two groups having undergone training, four members will be chosen to test their newly acquired experience at Radio Corax, Halle, Germany, for a week. Thereby we will conclusively establish, whether the model is successful against the European situation. The last, fifth Steering Committee Meeting will be reserved for final corrections and improvements.

As a result the European Pilot Model for Practical Training for an All-Round Broadcaster will take its final form. Next the model will be made public at a special project web page and the results will be disseminated.


students of journalism By constructing a European Pilot Model for Practical All-Round Broadcaster Training we want to offer the students of journalism the possibility of an organised, planned and comprehensive practical training at a radio station. In this way, students of journalism will acquire practical experience which the faculties cannot easily provide on their own but is crucial for independent work at a radio station. This will increase the employability and competitiveness of the young in the European labour market.

radio stations
Through the application of the model they will be able to provide organised and comprehensive training of the staff which - after training's completion - will be capable of independently carrying out various radio activities.

European faculties of journalism The pilot model will complement their curricula with practical training which they cannot offer on their own since they do not possess the necessary radio capacities (experts and equipment).

the unemployed By incorporating a sample of the unemployed with appropriate basic knowhow and skills in the process of developing and testing the model, we will ensure that it will also suit those who have been absent from the working environment and alienated from learning. Potential user of project's results is everybody interested in work at a radio station, even if he/she is not pre-educated in the field of journalism. Anyway, in this case the model should be partly redefined which means, it should include more theory. 





Promoting organization:

Radio Študent, Slovenia


ESJlogo Ecole Superiore de Journalisme de Lille (ESJ), France,

FDV Faculty for social sciences, Chair of Journalism, Slovenia,

 Radio Agora, Austria,

RCorax Radio Corax and medien ost e.V., Germany,

ZZZS Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia

The project has been funded with the support of the European Community.



Arhiv Spletne strani Radia Študent Ljubljana 89,3 MHz