Glasba> DJ Grafiti

Četrtek, 30. 9. ´04, 20-22h: LE TIGRE
Četrtek, 30. 9. 2004

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Klikni za veliko sliko: Le Tigre Pred težko pričakovanim ljubljanskim nastopom Le Tigre, ki se bo zgodil v sklopu Festivala Mesto žensk v sredo, 6. oktobra, čekiramo muziko in filozofijo tega vplivnega newyorškega feminističnega tria, seveda pa v zgodbo vključimo tudi njihovo neposredno predhodnico, riotgrrrlsko zasedbo Bikini Kill. Navigira Katarina V.
Playlista v nadaljevanju...

LE TIGRE v DJ Grafitih

(v podlagi -- Le Tigre: Cry For Everything Bad That's Ever Happened)

Le Tigre
"Le Tigre"

1. The The Empty

Bikini Kill
"The Singles"
"The c.d. version of the first two records"

2. New Radio
3. Double Dare Ya
4. Rebel Girl
5. Liar
6. DemiRep
7. Suck My Left One
8. In Accordance to Natural Law
9. Strawberry Julius
10. Thurston hearts the Who
11. Anti-Pleasure Dissertation
12. White Boy
13. I Like Fucking
14. Outta Me

Le Tigre
"Le Tigre"

15. Deceptacon
16. Hot Topic
17. Phanta
18. Eau D'Bedroom Dancing
19. Let's Run
20. My My Metrocard
21. Friendship Station

Le Tigre
"Feminist Sweepstakes"
22. LT tour theme
23. Shred A
24. FYR
25. On Guard

26. Retsin: Mary B.
27. Naysayer: Deathwhisker
28. Electrelane: More Than This
29. Erase Errata: Other Animals are No. 1

Le Tigre
"Feminist Sweepstakes"
30. Fake French
31. Keep On Livin'

Le Tigre
32. Tres Bien (nouveau disco mix)
33. Dyke March 2001 (reid's aphro-dykey mix)
34. Much Finer (the flaxdatass mix)

35. Yoko Ono: Walking on thin Ice (1981 re-edit)
36. Chicks on Speed + Peaches: We Don't Play Guitars

Arhiv Spletne strani Radia Študent Ljubljana 89,3 MHz