Glasba> Idealna godba

Ideal godbe TC Lejle Bin Nur
Nedelja, 22. 9. 2002

avtor/ica: TCLejla

V nedeljo, 22. septembra 2002 ali 15. 7. 1423, od 21.30 do 24.00
Pesmi Buleha Šaha in Amirja Khusrava:

Abida Parveen, Chants soufis de Pakistan (Qal, ghazal et kafi) (Inedit)

KAFI Leave the discussion at this point. Take this point, and leave all accounts.
Poem in Punjabi by Bulleh Shah, XVIII siecle

If God were to be found by washing and cleaning, frongs and fishes would find him
If God were to be found by wandering in the woods, cows and calves would find him
God is obtained by him whose hearth is sincere.
Don't finger your rosary beads too much.
There is no point in reciting the rosary.
What's the point of giving accounts to him who himself does not keep acounts.
Leave the discussion at this point.
Take this point, and leave all accounts.
God is never angry with him who knows how to reconcile his Beloved.
He, whose Pilgrimage is accomplished when he sees his
Beloved, does not need to go to Mecca.
Leave Hell and its terrors.
Stop talking of infidels.
Clean the depths of your hearts.
While reading science in thousands of books, you have never read your inner self.
While fighting Satan, you have never fought your own desires.
Pir Bulleh Shah says:
"You are trying to catch what is in the sky, but you have not caught the one who dwells in your heart."
You rub your forehead on the ground and you show the mark.
You recite the Declarations of Faith, which makes people laugh,
but you have not understood its inner meaning.
Can the truth be ever hidden?
Destroy mosques and destroy temples.
Destroy all you can.
But don't destroy somebody's heart, for God dwells in it.
You have fallen in love with God and you have been blamed for it.
People call you infidel, and you have to say: "Yes, yes."
Some have returned from the Pilgrimage, wearing blue robes.
When enemy dies, do not rejoice.
Friends will also die.
Get up and go to see the world.
If you meet someone who has been forgiven, you yourself will be forgiven.
During the pilgrimage, they have been pushed about; but who knows the story.

QAL TARANA Ali est le maitre de qui je suis le maitre
Poeme en Urdu d'Amir Khusraw (1253-1325)

Rois des hommes, Lion de Dieu, Force de Dieu!
Il n'est point d'autre conquerant qu'Ali; il n'est point d'autre glaive que Zulfuqar!
Ali est le Maitre de qui je suis le Maitre.
Ali est mon guide; je suis l'esclave d'Ali.
Des milliers de cheres vies furent sacrifiees au nom d'Ali.
Celui qui te voit en meurt; il ya de la magie dans tes yeux noirs.
Ne pretends pas etre un etranger: car je suis en toi et tu es en moi.
Ceux qui se laissent penetrer par l'emotion deviennent soufis.
Ceux qui empruntent le chemin de l'amour deviennent mystiques.
Ceux qui supportent la douleur deviennent des pilliers spirituels.
Ceux qui invoquent Ali sont sanctifies.
Celui dont le prophete a dit: "Ali est le Maitre de qui je suis le Maitre."
Chair de la chair, Ali est son successeur, n'en doutons point.
Lui qui est ne a la Ka'ba et connut le martyre dans la mosquee,
Il est le seigneur de la Maison de Dieu, n'en doutons point.

translation: Dr. Ramatullah

0. tr IG ef ___ AVIZZO IG
1. cd HUB kom 12 I WANT YOU - mike westbrook 7.55
2. cd GOLDEN kom 5+6 TERRE BINA - lata mangeshkar&co 9.42
3. cd CAMBO kom 19 SMAON - memut araške muzike 2.04
4. cd MATAR kom 2 TAKSIM ATAR KAR - matar muhammad 18.49
5. cd IMZAD kom 1 L'OUED TIN MENTAH - tarzag&othman 13.57
6. cd QAL kom 6 KAFI (B. SHAH) - abida parveen 11.58
7. cd QAL kom 1 QAL TARANA (AMIR) - abida parveen 14.13

II. IDEALNI KONCERT: SEOUL ENSEMBLE OF TRADITIONAL MUSIC (Live at Maternushaus, Cologne, oktober 1990)
0. t KONCERT RŠ AVIZZO, vrti nazaj, hitro, menjaje
1. cd KOREA kom 1-8 VSE - tsetm 68.00

Anywhere ...

Arhiv Spletne strani Radia Študent Ljubljana 89,3 MHz