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Razširjeni koncept remiksa, 1. del: - How to Change the Subject? - Remix it! (2486 bralcev)
Torek, 14. 9. 2010
Bojan Anđelković

Remiks danes seveda ni prisoten samo v glasbi, ampak - če lahko parafraziramo Fredrica Jamesona – lahko govorimo o »ogromni ekspanziji paradigme remiksa po vsem družbenem polju, do točke, ko lahko rečemo, da je vse v našem življenju – od ekonomske vrednosti in moči države do praks in prav do strukture psihe same – postalo 'remiksabilno', v nekem izvornem, pa vendar neteoretiziranem smislu.«

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Re: Razširjeni koncept remiksa, 1. del: - How to Change the Subject? - Remix it!
MCJ [15/09/2010]

What I read on the website was more or less white, post-colonial fantasizing. Whenever theoretical discourse encounters the black origins of electronic music, it runs into a serious problem: black dance music is also a highly developed discursive formation, with its own complex set of highly complex fields, rules, concepts, horizons, methods for recording and engaging its history. But what theory needs is an object. Hence the colonialist fantasy that theories of this kind are a gift from white intelligensia to black America, that, until theory enriched it with meaning, black music was just a bunch of kids scratching records. Poor black people: not ethnographic enough to be viewed on their own terms, too ethnographic to be treated like rational human beings.
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    Re: Razširjeni koncept remiksa, 1. del: - How to Change the Subject? - Remix it!
    anđelković [16/09/2010]
    odkod si ti zalutal ...:)
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