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PROSTI PAD - XXXXV - Ponedeljek, 29. Novembra od desetih do enajstih zvečer (4621 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 29. 11. 2004

Odal v živo: Fokking Odal
Poslušali bomo tri nove plate bendov ANALENA, EKKAIA in FROM ASHES RISE, si ogledali delovanje nizozemskega benda ODAL, njegove koncertne različice FOKKING ODAL nato pa poslušali še XV PAROWEK. Za konec še koncertne napovedi.
S albumom CARBON BASED se ANALENA še vedno držijo svoje prepoznavnega, otožnega emocora z nežnim ženskim, na trenutke kričečim vokalom in spevnimi melodijami, ki grejo v uho že po prvem poslušanju. CARBON BASED je tudi prvi veliki album ANALENE, kar jim bo pravgotovo pomagala oz. kar so še potrebovali za naskok na sam vrh evropskega emocora; poleg tega pa je to tudi prva izdaja mlade slovensko-hrvaške založbe MOONLEE RECORDS, ki sta jo pred kratkim ustanovila kitarist in basist ANALENE. Poslušali bomo:

CD - ANALENA - Carbon based - Dream amplifier
CD - ANALENA - Carbon based - Notturno
CD - ANALENA - Carbon based - From automatic to manual

Novi LP benda EKKAIA (španski anarcho emo-punk/hardcore) z naslovom DEMASADIO TARDE PARA PEDIR PERDON je izšel oktobra letos v sodelovanju kar štirih založb; in sicer STONEHANGE RECORDS, TOFU GUERILLA, CRUDA REALIDAD ter ALERTA ANTIFASCITA. Še isti mesec, to je oktobra, in pa nato še začetek novembra, je bend svoj novi LP predstavljal na evropski turneji. Še vedno pa se držijo političnost, saj v svojih besedilih opisujejo laži, zaprtost, neenakosti med ljudmi in naploh bedo sodobne družbe. Poslušali bomo:


Zavrteli bomo tudi zadnji veliki album z naslovom NIGHTMARE benda FROM ASHES RISE, ki jih pravgotovo poznate iz njihovih, že kar številnih plat, ali pa iz odličnega koncerta v Postojni izpred parih let. Svoj zadnji veliki album so izdal prejšnje leto za založbo JADE TREE RECORDS, kar je pravgotovo presenečenje, glede na to da JADE TREE zalaga povečini indie-emo izdaje. Poslušali bomo:

CD - FROM ASHES RISE - Nightmare - Reaction
CD - FROM ASHES RISE - Nightmare - The inner beast

ODAL lahko štejemo kot enega starejših predstavnikov hrupne godbe na nizozemskem, saj obstaja že od sredine 80-ih let prejšnjega stoletja. Ustanovitelj benda Peter Zincken vse do danes ohranja predznak t.i. »do it yourself« scene ter večino svojih stvari posname kar v domačem studiu. V zadnjih 20-ih letih obstoja je ime ODAL ostalo, pojavili pa so se nastopi v živo in malo spremenjeno ime: FOKKING ODAL. ODAL uporablja doma narejeno in razpadlo elektroniko, različne efekte, stare sintisajzerje ter ostalo elektronsko šaro ter skozi eksperimentiranje svoj zvok spreminja od minimalističnega, preko elektronsko obdelanega in dodelanega, do statičnega hrupa in primitivnih elektronskih zvokov ter uporabo različnih ritmov, slučajnih zvokov, mikserja in računalnika.

Peter ni dejaven le s svojima ODAL in FOKKING ODAL, je tudi član benda FCKNBSTRDS ter fura svoje doma začete in predvsem kasetnim izdajam namenjene založbe. V zadnjih nekaj letih je to založba po imenu STRONT (=drek).

Kaj več o samem delovanju benda ODAL in drugih dejavnosti Petra si spodaj preberite intervju s Petrom, ki ga je naredil Matjaž.

Poslušamo material iz:
ODAL 'Sexexpresse' CD-R
ODAL 'Noise' CD-R
FOKKING ODAL ‘Ook weer zo een gezellig kut Cdrtje' CD-R
FOKKING ODAL 'The Wildwestzaan E.P.' CD-R

Izbrana diskografija:
- No Data / Odal split kaseta
- Radio Beiroet / Odal split kaseta
- Elisianoise / Odal split kaseta
- Odal / P.F.C.B. split kaseta
- Odal / Neandertal split kaseta
- Odal ‘Sexexpress vol.2’ CD-R
- Odal ‘Odalnoise’ CD-R
- Odal / Man Manly split CD-R
- Odal ‘Drol’ CD-R
- Odal ‘Fruitig kutje’ CD-R
- Odal / 850 split CD-R
- Odal 7’’ EP z A4 plakatom



Intervju – in english – questions by Matjaž, answers by Peter Zincken:

1.What are the roots, influences of your sound-activity?

Well when I went 16 years old on my birthday I received an Spanish guitar from my parents also it had to
Be in line to follow an little education that I could play songs sooner or later I don t know why but I never
Came to any education to play the guitar probably lack of discipline a year later the punk wave broke out
I never played in any band in that time probably I did some stuff on my new tape/radio recorder !
Or recorded stupid discussions with my sister , I can remember that I collected all the portable radio s
Which were in the house together and tried to record all the different radio waves on tape just for fun
Or scrapped with mirrors on each other but don t ask me about those recordings they are disappeared
So I can t prove anything but I remember about this I did this kind of things through the years from “77 till “82
But an tape recorder was a quite new phenomena and some of my friends did recordings but that was for fun
And more to laugh about when the recording was done! I think in 82 that I discovered that there was an whole network
Maybe not so big as nowadays but it was there also in this time people were talking about home taping and
Do it your self (D.I.Y) I think an lot of influences made me doing this things until now but in 86 when I lived on my own
I started very primitive sounds under the name Odal just things which I found in the house and were I could make sounds out of it !
I didn’t t use any theme or followed an certain trend also my contact list growth out and I did lots of trades with other
Sound makers

2. Which labels you had so far? Why do you use different names in different= periods?

I started first with the Bloedvlag label in 86 (means Bloodflag) in that time I had contacts with other kind
quasi right-wing styled projects like Ramleh,Opera for Infantry,Con-dom so that s why I used that name !
but after a while I got more an nihilistic way of life (don t need more than I really need ) so from 87 I used the name Nihilistic rec.
for an long time thought in 91 or 92 I was out of the Network for 4 or 5 years I was hanging around like an beer
drinking skinhead and had no interest in anything except drinking beer and get drunk
When I came back in 96 I started again with New Noise I thought an new beginning and an fresh start and I tried
To give a bit more attention to the packages and pressed some singles for the first time in my life !
In this time I became really active but also I realized that I was escaping my relation I did not really love her
So it ended that she robbed my bank number and I came in deep financial trouble all the time that I was with this woman
I felt like shit and not happy for years so however because of my financial state I started an very cheap low-fi shit label
Called STRONT (shit) I did not care anymore about the packages or how noise has to be it was for me just back to
The basics !!!!!!sounds on cheap tape with an black and white cover how more trashy the better !
Anyway after some failed relations I’m living now alone and had all the time on my side to do creative things when ever
I wanted I had meet an lot of people and with most of them I worked together anyway for the most things I did there s
No documentation about it so it s all gone with the wind or someone must have put it on the Internet
Also a great help for me to keep me going and escape the loneliness to become an member of the FCKNBSTRDS
These people who I know now for 5 years has give me the feeling to step out of my world and showed me self-respect
Which I had not for many years also because of an skin-disease in my face later I discovered that I was over-sensed for
Additives in my food, colourings, citric acid etc. and so on all this together gave me a lucky feeling I’m more relaxed and sleep
Better but I’m not the guy who s hanging in his chair with a beer and looking TV all the time ,sometimes I have to press myself
To stay at home !
Politically I’m still a very nihilistic guy but recently I got many interested in the Libertarian way of thinking if you wanna know
What Libertarian find it in Google on the Internet and you will know everything about who still believe in only left or right
Opinions are in my opinion half blind but otherwise everybody is more or less blind for something in this life

3.Tell me more about your label (STRONT) you run at the moment + which & how many releases did you have published so far.

STRONT is just an simple label with an trashy outfit with all kind of low-fi sounds and noises I’m not interested in
Selling but mostly I trade or give them away to people I like and there are periods that I’m very productive and there
Are times that I’m doing nothing it s going up and down just like the sea most of the time I ask people if they could give me
Rough and bad stuff especially the sounds and noises which are made in the beginning of people s carrier
It just that period that s very interested look to all those pop and rock bands who all ended in lousy boring money makers
While an few stay at their basics I think it is very difficult to stay at this level because if you want or not the sounds which people making becomes better and more clear !
And until now I have released several tapes of Dutch noisemakers but I have also integrated tapes from New Noise/Orange Socks
On Stronttapes I’m producing also work on CDr it is just the same idea as recording tapes only it works faster and is cheaper and after all interesting as well

4.Tell me something about your bands/projects you were involved in the past.

Well from 86 I worked always with my homemade project Odal so now and than I made an master tape for my own label
Or an other label most of the time it sounded low-fi not really noisy also a lot of compilations which I have contributed !
But I never played live! that changed 5 years ago when I came into the noisecollectiv FCKNBSTRDS after a lot of gigs with them I decided also to play live on my own or with some friends ! I did that also under the name Odal but later we changed that into Fokking Odal
Just some improvised electronic sounds with no theme at all and some sessions we ve recorded it, those sessions are every time different the same with the members !
So Odal is still an homemadeproject running from sounds , shit to Industrial looping things and Fokking Odal is an liveproject

5.What kind of equipment do you use for your performances?

For both Odal and Fokking Odal I use mixer ,effects ,tape decks , microphones ,guitar ,sampler ,keyboard ,computer and what else !but the most complicated equipment is my brain not that I’m so clever but without this thing it will never succeed !
And for FCKNBSTRDS I myself use only the microphone or megaphone or that part of the telephone you can talk through !

6. Is it difficult to be a »noise/experimental« artist in Holland?

I don t know I don t see myself as an artist ,but more just an person who working with sounds or noises whenever
I want but the last time it seems to be scary serious for my last gig as fokking Odal in kalshnikov /Terneuzen(I was alone this time ) I received
150 euro for raping the guitar ,I used effects ,mixer,mp3 player and so on it was an good weekend ,also I met the people of Achiatras from Prague they are really nice and make beautiful, dark,mystic,Industrial sounds but anyway I had to drive very fast to the airport otherwise they missed their plane

7.You also run a radio show in one of the local radio stations – tell me something more about that.

Yes that s true I do this every once in the two weeks an program for about 3 or 4 hours this program is also called
Stront but before I did this program I had in 87 an other one at radio 100 which wear the name radio nihil but I did
Not like the leading heads of the organisation they were very political(left-wing) they was no humor and every program
Has to have an purpose if not than they throwed you out Im sorry left or right thinking people most of them I don t like !
You have always be so careful about your words !
So before I started at Patapoe I was always guest at Radio Beirut runned by Ruben Winter from Kamp Chaos
We did lots of broadcasting over the years till I I got my own program Stront but recently Ruben quite with Radio Beirut
And is every time guest at Stront ,Patapoe is still an illegal radio and the most anarchistic one with no strict organisation or schedules
So when we gonna airplay were talking rubbish all the time and show the listeners a lot of vague sounds and music
Maybe we got at least hundred listeners but last months the whole broadcasting is down I m really sad about this hopefully
This week we are again in the air !

8.And you work in one of the best beer factories in the world!?

Well it is an distribution of Heineken and next year 2005 they will throw me out because the selling! It goes very bad
In Holland so people when I’m fired don t drink Heineken anymore let them drink their own shit !
It is beer for the masses and not very special ,I love more the beers from Germany and Tsjechie maybe the Slovenian
Will be good too but I ve never taste it everything is better than Heineken nowadays but I still like my Job and the people were
I’m working with

9.In the 80's you were in contact with slovenian guy Mario Marzidovsek – can you tell me more about that 'friendship'?

Well I had no friendship with him but as contact we did some swaps but in that time I had plans to visit him on an holliday
Together with my girlfriend but later he came to Holland to do some gigs but I did not visit the gigs I was just afraid for the confrontation with him as strange and introvert as I was but this guy could make beautiful Industrial music and sounds in that
Time I felt very inferior and low I had no self-respect and it felt If I was the only one on earth all the time

10.Do you know anything about current slovenian -independent- (experimental/noise) music scene?

At the moment there happen so much in the Underground all over the world so I try
To get everything which comes my direction but mainly I’m unknown with the Slovenian Underground scene but I know your
Project now Gen 26 I think that the Underground of noise and exp.sounds is better in Slovenia than in Holland everything is so
Fucking trendy over here everything must be hip and cool I hate that I really do I dislike Housemusic,Breakcore,skateboarding cultures
Rap and all that kind of shit OK there are an few rapgroups were I got respect for but that’s only a few !

11.When do you plan to come to Slovenia and play some gigs?

Well you ve invite me to come over to Slovenia don t you remember?I will play everywhere on the toilet or old-peoples home
If there s something to plug in !

12.Any messages for slovenian listeners?

Yes If I can give them an good advice : never gave your secret code away to friends or your lover of your bankcard it saves you a lot of trouble
Just go your own way in what you like or dislike never listen to someone who thinks who know better ,but advice is always welcome when you ask for it !
Never go to big party s it is no party they only care for your money
A real party is a party where you can take your own drinks and food with you and were you can fell on the ground when your drunk
Use ear protection
If you make your own sounds and noises doesn’t t matter how ! maybe than you got more pleasure in listening to others !
Try to get back to basics on every field otherwise you re lost and ready to become an lust object of moneymakingcompany s
Have an daily life ,go to work and in the weekend you will get drunk !
When you re on your work try to think about sex it makes everything so easy !
Buy an cheap car and travel to friends and take them for an ride and show them your favourite music and sounds ,I don t think
They will jump out of your car when you got an speed of 160 km an hour
Never fuck the girlfriend of your friend but ask them if you can enjoy them how more people the better !
Tell your friends that you like the sounds of FCKNBSTRDS and everybody will hates you think like this I got an bad day
My friends will getting a bad day too !
Never make an review of the FCKNBSTRDS you won t succeed
Wear an FCKNBSTRDS T-shirt and everybody see in your town that you’re the man of the evening or otherwise run for your live !
Try to get enough beer in your house when I gonna visit you
Well that’s all for now folks

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LO & THE MAGENTICS (Kanada)...ska, ex-The Kingpins...
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04/12/04 – Kljub Celje
PLüG (Beltinci) …melanholični, težak HC a la ISIS, NEUROSIS
ŠKM (Beltinci) …veseljaški funky jazz…

Sikhara (ZDA) …plemenski noise…
brez napovedanih Koonda Holaa and the Beetchees (ZDA) …trans akustika…

MONNO (Berlin) …punk experimental…

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