Glasba> Metal detektor

Ponedeljek, 16. 3. 2009

avtor/ica: Chop

V tokratni oddaji bomo poslušali nove albume zasedb Buried Inside, General Surgery, Torture Killer, The Burning, She Said Destroy, Obscura, DGM, Avian, Crimfall, Isole, Hellsaw in Absu. Playlista:

BURIED INSIDE - II (Spoils Of Failure)

GENERAL SURGERY - Retrained Remains (Corpus In Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism)

TORTURE KILLER - By Their Corpse (Sewers)

THE BURNING - Carnivora (Reawakening)

SHE SAID DESTROY - We Will Never Learn (This City Speaks In Tongues)

OBSCURA - Anticosmic Overload (Cosmogenesis)

DGM - Hereafter (FrAme)

AVIAN - Into The Otherside (Ashes And Madness)

CRIMFALL - Where Waning Winds Lead (As The Path Unfolds)

ISOLE - Forlorn (Silent Ruins)

HELLSAW - The Black Death (Cold)

ABSU - Night Of The Canonization (Absu)

Arhiv Spletne strani Radia Študent Ljubljana 89,3 MHz