Kultura> Deviantovi fragmenti

Deviantovi fragmenti #26 - Naked Feminist, Matrix, Schostakovič, Forbidden Planet
Sreda, 7. 7. 2010

avtor/ica: nova

Kolaz med globokoumnostmi iz Matrix-a (do we have a choice? we already made the choice but we're here to understand it), The Naked Feminist - dokumentarec o artikuliranih intelektualno sposobnih zenskah, ki so se odlocile biti v pornografski industriji (they made the choice, do they understand it?), The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet kot sci-fi projekcija sedanjosti... Schostakovič, kot source.

Arhiv Spletne strani Radia Študent Ljubljana 89,3 MHz