Kultura> Lezbomanija

Sobota, 15. 10. 2005

avtor/ica: Vesna Vravnik

V današnji oddaji prisluhnite kar trem intervjujem o aktualnih dogodkih, ki jih je prinesla jesen. Najprej bomo pokramljali z Romanom Kuharjem, enem izmed organizatorjev mednarodnega v okviru programa "East-east : Partnership Beyond Borders" (Mirovni inštitut, OSI) in evropskega projekta "Promocija aktivnega evropskega državljanstva". Nato prisluhnite intervjuju z Alenko Splacal, ki je v Zagrebu v okviru festivala Queer Zagreb predstavila svojo avtobiografsko likovno delo, za konec pa vam bomo postregli z intervjujem z Roso Reitsamer, avstrijsko sociologinjo, queer aktivistko in DJko, ki nas je obiskala na Mestu žensk. Čisto za konec pa najavljamo novo rubriko: Aktiviraj se!, kjer boste v živo lahko sporočili svoj komentar na zastavljeno iztočnico. Tokrat vprašanje za vas: Ali je javno razkritje (kot gej ali lezbijka) v Reality show-u politično dejanje ali provokacija? komentirajte v živo ali na naslov: lezbomanija@radiostudent.si

Queer Zagreb with the assistance of The Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Yale University

for the conference «Heteronormativity of Childhoods»
which will be held from 9 – 11 September 2005 in Zagreb, Croatia, as a part of annual Queer Zagreb Festival (7-11 September).

Queer Zagreb Festival (QZF) was established in2003 with the goal to stimulate and promote queer culture in Zagreb, the Southeast European region, and by extension in the world. Combining art, theory and activism QZF fosters queer identities which are subversive, but not dangerous for the other. The focus is on LGBTQ art, although, due to Croatia's postwar situation, we favor connecting that art with festival's broader perspectives on queer identity (such as nationalism, violence, chauvinism, patriarchy, etc.). This year the umbrealla topic of the festival is queer children. As a part of the festival, Queer Zagreb is organizing an international queer conference on the heteronoramtivity of childhood.

The conference goals are:
a) to open public discussion on social heteronormativity and patriarchy directed towards children in schools and in general
b) to raise awareness of such problems as growing up LGBITQ in a heterosexist culture (bulling, heteronormativity of educational books, etc.)
c) to understand how and why society “protects” children from “queer influence”
d) to understand the queer children’s rights, especially the rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression

Proposed topics for the papers are following (but not limited to):
- problems of growing up queer (gender stereotypes, prejudices, social exclusion, ambiguity of gender categories in children, bullying and violence in schools, discrimination)
- heteronormativity and patriarchal scheme of educational/pedagogical curricula, programs and methods, and school books in preschools and elementary schools
- how and why the heteronormative childhood is constructed (farytails, children's games, comics, cartoons, children's books, TV and radio programs for children etc.)
- processes of identity formation of queer child
- transgender and intersex children
- rites of passage and initiations (clitoridectomy, infibulation, circumcision, social initiations within schools)
- queer children's rights as human rights

Mednarodni seminar: Intimate/Sexual Citizenship "Intimno / seksualno državljanstvo".

Cilj seminarja, ki bo potekal v angleščini, je v prikazu, analizi in primerjavi obstoječih kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih raziskav o vsakdanjem življenju lezbijk, gejev, biseksualcev in transseksualcev kot intimnih/seksualnih državljank in državljanov v srednji in vzhodni Evropi ter širše.
Seminar bo potekal v petek, 14. oktobra, in soboto, 15. oktobra, v mladinskem hotelu Celica, Metelkova mesto. Udeležba ne seminarju ali delih seminarja je brezplačna, prav tako ni potrebna predhodna prijava.

Seminar je organiziran v okviru programa "East-east : Partnership Beyond Borders" (Mirovni inštitut, OSI) in evropskega projekta "Promocija aktivnega evropskega državljanstva". Program organizirajo Mirovni inštitut, Amnesty International Slovenija, Društvo za integracijo homoseksualnosti in Inštitut za sociologijo madžarske Akademije znanosti (Budimpešta). Dodatni program za sodelujoče na seminarju sta omogočila kluba Tiffany in Monokel.

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