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Nedelja, 5. 11. 2006 ob 15.00; Različni izvajalci: Algerie - Trésors de la musique algérienne, prvi del! (Institut du monde Arabe, 2003) (2306 bralcev)
Nedelja, 5. 11. 2006


"Only forty years back, outside of its original country Algerian music was doomed to marginality and only played for its community in the back rooms of immigrant cafes. Starting in the eighties, a new generation of Algerian artists, such as Khaled, Rachid Taha or l'Orchestre National de Barbes, has shown a growing interest in the "square" music styles of their parents, hunting for the latters' old records and then revisiting pieces by the likes of El Hadj El Anka, Aissa el Djarmouni, Ahmed Wahby, Blaoui Houari, Dahmane el Harrachi, Slimane Azem or Cheikh El Hassnaoui. Compiled from the precious musical archives of Algerian Radio, this collection brings to mind a high period of the culture of exile and features many pieces unavailable nowadays."

Z OVITKA (COVER OF) TRESORS DE LA MUSIQUE ALGERIENNE (IMA, 2003), umetniški vodja Mohamed Metalsi

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