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ARTEFAKT 16 - Amerika - the Land of Opportunity vol 3., sreda 15. novembar ob 20 h! (3909 bralcev)
Sreda, 15. 11. 2006
Bojan Anđelković

"Proud to be an American"
Letter from the Editor

I am proud to be an American.

American, christian law, belief in God, God, bible, liberty, civil rights, american values, land of opportunity, patriotic song, god bless the usaI know what it meant to be an American in the past; I know what it means to be an American today. I know why my forefathers came to America; I know why they chose to stay in America. I know many people fought for my country and it's beliefs; I know many people died for my country and it's beliefs. I know what makes America great; I know the American morals, values, and traditions. I know my country was and is based upon Christian law and a healthy belief in God. I know that I am very blessed to live in the greatest country in the world. I am proud to be an American.

In 1776 our founding fathers created the vision and beliefs of this great nation. Those ideals were based on a healthy respect for the laws handed down by God as stated in the Bible. Along with those laws, our founding fathers made a commitment to base this country on freedom for all. Granting all people the right to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This land would be the New World that promised hope and opportunity for all. Because of this foundation and beliefs system, my ancestors risked their lives and all they had to travel to the New World just so I could enjoy it's freedoms and liberties. Today, people from all over the world are still risking their lives and giving up all they have so they and their great grandchildren will enjoy these same freedoms and liberties.

We still enjoy the freedoms and liberties today, over 200 years later, because there were fearless heroes and great soldiers before us who were willing to fight and die to protect this great country. Great civil rights leaders gave their lives to improve our country and hold tight to what this country promised its citizens. Great national leaders kept the vision and vowed to uphold the declarations our forefathers constructed. Our citizens assisted in protecting and preserving our freedoms and liberties. They instilled into their children and grandchildren the American values of hard work, education, persistence, excellence and always striving to improve. They taught our parents that these values would lead them to all of their dreams in this land of opportunity, America.

I pray everyday that we don't forget why this country is so great and that we remember those who built this land and those that fought and died for it. That we do not only focus on the rights and privileges our country provides while forgetting about our obligations and responsibilities to protect them for tomorrow. I pray we teach our children about America's history and about our foundations.

Be sure to teach your children and relatives the basics about why your are proud to be an American. Be sure to wear your red, white and blue and display your American flag with pride.
The words of a popular patriotic song, I am sure you have heard recently, makes it very clear:

"I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me.
So I gladly stand up next to her and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this place
God bless the USA!"
I am proud to be and American!

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