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Sobota, 26. 5. ´07 ob 22.00; LEROY JENKINS !!! (2529 bralcev)
Sobota, 26. 5. 2007

To bo hkrati fragmentarno obujanje spominov na revolucionarno obdobje v zgodovini afro-ameriške glasbe druge polovice 20. stoletja, kajti prav LeRoy Jenkins je zagotovo eden izmed tistih, ki je pravo njegovo poosebljenje; na nek način pa tudi spominov na zgodovino spremljanja radikalnih glasbenih praks na tem radiu in v teh krajih.

DJ GRAFITI sobota, 26.05.2007
22.00 - 24.00

1. LP bb A/3 The Revolutionary Ensemble – Chinese Rock (Cooper) 6.28
(LP »The People's Republic«; 1975; A&M Records/ Horizon, 1976)
2. LP bb A/1 Anthony Braxton/ Leroy Jenkins/ Leo Smith – Off the Top of My Head (Jenkins) 17.10
(LP »Silence«; 1969; Black Lion Rec./ Freedom, 1975)
3. LP bb B/1 Creative Construction Company – Muhal Part 2 (Jenkins) 17.17
(LP »Muhal«; 1970; Muse Rec., 1975/ Vedette Rec., 1977)
4. LP bb B/1 Grachan Moncour III The Jazz Composer's Orchestra – Echoes of Prayer Band 3: Medgar's Menace II (on) 20.02
(LP »Echoes of Prayer«; 1974; JCOA Rec./ Virgin Rec., 1975)

5. LP J186 A/1 Leroy Jenkins The Jazz Composer's Orchestra – For Players Only Part 1 (on) 15.45
(LP »For Players Only«; 1975; JCOA Rec./ Virgin Rec., 1975)
6. LP bb A/2 Rashied Ali/ Leroy Jenkins Duo – It's For You (Jenkins) 7.40
(LP »Swift are the Winds of Life«, 1975; Survival Rec., 1975)
7. LP bb A/2 Leroy Jenkins – Why am I here (Jenkins) 8.20
(LP »Solo Concert«, 1977; India Navigation, 1977)
8. LP J856 B/3 Leroy Jenkins/ Muhal Richard Abrams – The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost (Jenkins) 6.25
(LP »Lifelong Ambitions«, 1977; Black Saint, 1981)
8. LP J553 B/1 Leroy Jenkins – Albert Ayler (Jenkins) 4.06
(LP »The Legend of Ai Glatson«, 1978; Black Saint, 1978)
9. LP J697 A/1 Leroy Jenkins – Space Minds, New Worlds, Survival of America (Jenkins) 21.09
(LP »Space Minds, New Worlds, Survival of America«, 1978; Tomato, 1979)
10. LP bb A/1 Leroy Jenkins – Shapes, Textures, Rhythms, Moods of Sound (on) 19.17
(LP »Mixed Quintet«; 1979; Black Saint, 1983)
11. LP J1309 B/1 Revolutionary Ensemble – Vietnam 2 (oni) 24.10
(LP »Vietnam 1 & 2«, 1972; India Navigation, 1972)
12. LP bb B/1 The Revolutionary Ensemble – Manhattan Cycles (Leo Smith/arr. Oni) 18.00
(LP »Manhattan Cycles«, 1973; India Navigation, 1973)
13. LP J382 B/1 Revolutionary Ensemble – Hu-man (Sirone) 8.04
(LP »The Psyche«, 1975; RE Publishing, 1975)
14. LP bb B/1 The Revolutionary Ensemble – The People's Republic (Sirone) 9.42
(LP »The People's Republic«; 1975; A&M Records/ Horizon, 1976)
15. LP J498 B/2 Revolutionary Ensemble – Revolutionary Ensemble (oni) 14.52
(LP »Revolutionary Ensemble«, 1977; ENJA, 1977)
16. CD J1416 -4 The Revolutionary Ensemble – Light (Jenkins) 7.46
(CD »And now …«, 2004; PI Rec., 2004)
17. LP bb B/3 Leroy Jenkins – Nobody Knows de Trouble I Seen (trad.) 2.07
(LP »Solo Concert«, 1977; India Navigation, 1977)

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