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PROST PAD Torek, 25. marec od 23h do polnoči! (3751 bralcev)
Torek, 25. 3. 2003

PROSTI PAD – Šestič! (25. marec ‘03)

Avizzo : MD Glasbene oddaje / 90 (00'54'')

LP ONE-EYED GOD PROPHECY (33 rpm, stran A, #2): Wilf

“Wilf. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves want to do, but what someone else wants them to do. I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have externalised and institutionalised – in fact, have tried to standardize – the very nature of humanity. I saw a whole people who’ve lost the way of life and in its place built a mechanical monster which most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, “informs” them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of control, ripping the land, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities. Living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I did not see a single community.”

Kanadčani ONE-EYED GOD PROPHECY so pred sedmimi leti za založbo The Great American Steak Religion izdala eno tistih plošč, ki dokumentira čas, v katerem živimo; to greznico, v kateri se duši svet. Zgodbe in glasba napadajo, objokujejo, pa tudi hladno komentirajo drugo, osebno plat političnih in ekonomskih ideologij napredka. Tisto plat, ki je v analih svetovne zodovine nikoli ni bilo.

Današnji Prosti pad posvečamo trmi, pogumu, upanju in željam ljudi, ki nočejo kloniti pod lažmi Oblasti. Režimi se menjajo, tudi zdaj, Oblast z veliko začetnico pa ne. Ljudje umirajo, tudi zdaj, trma, pogum, upanje in želje pa ne.

CD BORN AGAINST: #16 Set Your AM Dial For White Empowerment (02’01)

S plošče Battle Hymns Of The Race War iz leta 1991 (Vermiform Records) poslušamo BORN AGAINST še v komad o preseljevanju v obljubljeno deželo.

“Poland. We came to take over your one room or maybe displace your parents from their bed as the special guests of honour. You’ve been at the factory for hours already. Don’t worry, we’ll lock the door when we leave for the border. What we know is from the world of sound checks and gas money and maybe a few tales from warmer climates. Where we were once paid well. And I can’t stand to think of all the bastards that are coming to sleep on your floor. Poland.”

CD BORN AGAINST: #14 Poland (01’50’’)

Sarkastični BORN AGAINST so hardkor umazali s svojo raskavo in hrapavo nežino, jezo pa očistili včasih tako nepotrebne navezave na dejansko nasilje. Letos je pri kanadski založbi G7 Welcoming Committee izšla mala plošča Invasive/Exotic skupine HIRETSUKAN. (Pomeni pankrt po japonsko.) Bolj redko se primeri, da je v žanru hitrega, kričečega, političnega hardkora toliko iskrenja kot ga je – žal že razpadla – brooklynska četverica podarila na plošči Invasive/Exotic. Z nje komad Barrel Roll o vojni, ki se kljub bombam nad Irakom zdi še pomembnejša – medijska vojna.

“Barrel Roll. Live on location, the frontlines beamed. A quiet room behind double locked doors. This just in through static and snow, through smashed glass and teargas and five blocks filled with smoke. Once we know the symptoms from the source it’ll come down like you’ve never seen before. As we confirm engines from agency it’s gonna come down like you’ve never fucking seen. Ear to the ground, hear the quiet hum of two thousand feet moving as one. Hear the rushing anthem, the rising chorus. The late breaking wire that says everything is under control.”

CD HIRETSUKAN: #3 Barrel Roll (03’05’’)

O novem imperializmu ali kolonializmu ZDA je bilo že veliko rečenega, tudi o strahu, ki naj bi preveval tako imenovani Zahodni svet. Pri tem je zanimivo, da mogoče največji strah poraja prav dejstvo, da niti Irak niti kdorkoli drug v arabskih državah ne sprejema vsiljenih načrtov in sistemov ponižno in s sklonjeno glavo. Mogoče zato, ker jih ni strah? Poslušamo filadelfijsko zasedbo 400 YEARS s ploščo New Imperialism, izdano kmalu po republikanskem kongresu avgusta 2000, ko so na sočasnih protestih v Filadelfiji aretirali preko 400 ljudi.

“New Imperialism. What we’ve built on the backs of every culture in our path: it’s just started. Welcome to the United States Of The World. Who’s our God? It’s the dollar. Can you see the colors bleed to one? You think we’d get enough, but we never do satisfy our thirst. What we call “free trade” is enslavement for the poor. No free rides on this train. They’all play by our rules, just to compete: your resources, your child labour. Thanks for playing! It’s all ours, for the dollar. Will we let them pull the wool over our eyes like the last time? Will we let them tell us everything is fine like the last time? Will we let them paint our lives in red, white and blue.”

LP 400 YEARS (45 rpm, stran A, #2): New Imperialism

Kanadske legende PROPAGANDHI se pridružujejo potrebi, da povedo na glas, z jezno nastrojenimi besedili, pa seveda s prekomerno uporabo besed, fuck, fuck you, fuck them, vse tisto, kar je potrebno povedati tako o lažni svododi, ki se prodaja že predolgo, pa vse tja do tega, da je potrebno počistiti prav vse in končati z vsemi demokratično obarvanimi božanstvi. S plošče How To Clean Everything (Fat Wreck, 1993) komad…

CD PROPAGANDHI: #7 Stick The Fuckin’ Flag Up Your Goddamn Ass, You Son Of A Bitch (02’51’’)

Zasedba DIR YASSIN prihaja iz Izraela in pravijo, da so “anti-Zionist in a military state.” Dir Yassin je arabska vas na zahodnem bregu Jeruzalema, kjer se je aprila 1948 odvijala krvava bitka med Palestinci in izraelsko vojsko, ki je v bojih umorila tudi sto in več civilistov, ki niso hoteli zapustiti vasi. Vsaka stran ima seveda svojo interpretacijo poteka bitke in števila žrtev, v komadu All Our Planes Have Returned Safely pa skupina DIR YASSIN govori o pretkani politiki izraelske vojske, ki svoje vojake ljudem predstavlja v prijazni, “človeški” luči, da bi izraelci molčali in še naprej prenašali njeno nasilje, rekoč, da je izraelska vojska moralno superiorna palestinskim “upornikom”. Komad je izšel na ‘’7 Durchbrechender Geist pri berlinski založbi Thought Crime leta 1999.

“We are better than them because we apologize after we kill innocent people. We are better than them because we don’t throw hand grenades or have hideouts – we work the land dropping bombs from airplanes. … We are right because part of our soldiers have blue eyes and write poetry.”

Za njimi pa še enkrat PROPAGANDI s komadom Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass, ki odfuka zionizem kot še eno religijo, ki s teroriziranjem Palestincev konec koncev pripravlja priročna parkirišča za ameriške turiste.

‘’7 DIR YASSIN (45 rpm, stran B, #1): All Our Planes Have Returned Safely

CD PROPAGANDHI: #8 Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass (04’11’’)

Angažirano ne-klanjenje oblastem, kritična nastrojenost, boj za tisto, kar nam edino osmišlja vztrajanje. Kljub temu pa le pride do tistega preobrata, ko se obrneš stran, da se s svetom v tej greznici ne zadušiš, da izkusiš tokrat svojo osebno plat in se boriš z vojno v sebi samem.

Miniepolški JIHAD osebno revolucijo začenjajo pri medosebni komunikaciji, kjer je dosti že to, da v sogovorniku ne vidiš le sebe, temveč dejansko poslušaš, kaj ti ima Drugi povedati. JIHAD pravijo, da človeka le na tak način sploh lahko vidiš.

“Invisible Man. I can see you but you can not see me for I am the invisible man, your classifications have made me. I am not what you want to believe, I am not what you want to see, I am me. Do not group me do not see through me, do not feel me, do not love me, do not love, do not feel, do not know. Why, I am invisible no longer, when you can relate, when you can see my flesh, when you start to think about me, when you start to relate to my feelings, when you start to love who I am, when you start to believe, start to believe about what is inside me.”

LP HeartattaCk; JIHAD (33 rpm, stran A, #5): Invisible Man

Za konec – k začetku! ONE-EYED GOD PROPHECY.

“Fields Of Separate Realities. Since I have started breathing, like all of you human beings in a corner I vas standing. But now I am here still breathing. We are all in a game, a ridiculous one. Where unconscious minds rule. Our nature is just a word to them. Who the fuck are they you are telling me. I do not know. I am just a piece of the puzzle. The problem could be solved if we hurl. But the echo will always come for the bottom of their skyscrapers. dollar is their goal. Their ideal to reach. we are subject to the god we have created. They can kill on gods commands. stupidly can destroy on gods commands. Green is the colour, money is their word. There are many differences around me and inside my head. so many points of view unlike mine but not that bad. So let me dream, let me ignore this world. so let me dream, leave me. My vision fades. I want to know they think in their careless minds. Maybe they do not think at all and just close their eyes. Close their eyes into reality. hiding in shelter. End will come but I will be long gone. The roar of engines, firing of guns, useless words, careless minds. I have shut it off.”

LP ONE-EYED GOD PROPHECY (33 rpm, stran B, #1): Fields Of Separate Realities


26.do 30.marca 1. balkanski ANARHISTIčNI knjižni SEJEM, Park Zvezda in Metelkova

26.03. (sreda) Leiah (Š), Podrum, Saloon, Mursko Središče
28.03. (petek) Leiah (Švedska), Red Five Point Star in Caddies, MKNŽ

CD LEIAH: #6 Channel (03’52’’)

28.03. (petek) Entreat, God Scard, Analena, Dreamwalk, D-fact, Storsender, Chang Ffos, Obduction, Primskovo Kranj

CD ANALENA: #1 Guns Of Brixton (03’32’’)

29.03. (sobota) Isis in 27 (oboji ZDA), Channel Zero, Metelkova

CD ISIS: #5 – (02’04’’)

30.03. Damo Suzuki (D/JAP), Cul de Sac (ZDA), B72 Dunaj, A
01.04. (torek) Apatia No (Venezuela!) in Kombat (Belgija), csa via Volturno, Udine, I
02.04. (sreda) Yage (D) in LaQuiete, San Giorgio, I
04.04. Disgusting Lies (Poljska), Ovo (Milano) in Stayer (Udine), csa via Volturno, Udine, I
04.04. Pridigarji, Kolnkišta, Ptuj
04.04. Mars Volta, Radio Vago, Subtitle (vsi ZDA), Močvara Zagreb
05.04. (sobota) OvO + DJ FacciaDiMerda, MC Podlaga, Sežana

05.04. Protivojne demonstracije pred ameriško vojaško bazo v Avianu, Italija. Info: www.disertalaguerra.da.ru

09.04. Born Dead Icons (CAN), Močvara, Zagreb
09.04. Isis (ZDA), Knut (CH), From The Dying Sky (I), Tarzo, I, Jumpin Club
10.04. Born Dead Icons (CAN), AC Molotov


10.-12. 4. III. Mednarodni noise festival, Gromka, Metelkova

Za nočne more bo poskrbel zaključni govor generala Georgea S. Pattona, ki je v istoimenskem filmu (režija: Franklin J. Schaffner, 1970) pripravljal ameriške vojake na vkorakanje v Evropo v času Druge svetovne vojne.

MD Prosti pad: #36 (04’50’’) Patton

Odvizzo: MD Glasbene oddaje: #90 (00'54'')

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