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petek, šestindvajsetega marca dva tisoè štiri (41091 bralcev)
Petek, 26. 3. 2004

Kristusov pasijon, kontroverzni film Mela Gibsona, še vedno vznemirja in hkrati navdušuje svetovno javnost. Potem ko sta ob spremljanju filma doživela srèni napad 50-letna Amerièanka in 43-letni brazilski prezbiterijanski duhovnik, pa je film nekaterim potrkal na zavest.

Vest se je zbudila 21-letnemu Danu Leachu iz Teksasa, ki je po ogledu filma odkorakal na policijsko postajo in priznal, da je umoril svoje noseèe dekle. Film o Kristusovem trpljenju ga je tako impresioniral, da se je skesal. Leach je razkril, da je dekle, ki so jo našli mrtvo 18-ega januarja, ubil lastnoroèno. Nato je še ponaredil depresivno poslovilno pismo in umor zrežiral tako, da je izgledalo, kot da se je dekle obesilo samo.

Film o zadnjih urah Kristusovega življenja, ki je morilca spodbudil, da izpove svoj greh, je od prvega dne predvajanja najbolj gledan film v ZDA in Veliki Britaniji, kljub temu da se je še pred njegovo premiero dvigal prah. Za kontra-efekt temu filmu pa bodo v ameriških kinematografih istoèasno vrteli tudi legendarno Monty Pythonovo parodijo »Brianovo življenje.« Pa naj se ameriške èrede odloèijo, kje tièi resnica o Kristusu.

V Varnostnem svetu Združenih narodov so èlanice vèeraj glasovale o resoluciji proti Izraelu, ki predvideva obsodbo naèrtnega uboja voditelja skrajnega palestinskega gibanja Hamas, šejka Ahmeda Jasina, in poziv h koncu politike likvidacij. Enajst od petnajstih èlanic je glasovalo za predlog, štiri države: Nemèija, Velika Britanija in Romunija so se glasovanja vzdržale, in samo glas ene èlanice je dovolj, da blokira resolucijo. Tokrat so veto izkoristile ZDA in s tem po svoji stari navadi podprle Izrael.

Ameriški veleposlanik pri Združenih narodih John Negroponte je osnutek resolucije oznaèil za »enostranskega«, predstavnik Palestincev Nasi al Kidva pa je opozoril na to, da so ZDA doslej prepreèile že 28 resolucij proti Izraelu. S tem, ko ZDA blokirajo vsakršen mednarodni poskus pritiska na to državo, na nek naèin dopušèajo morijo, ki se vleèe že predolgo èasa. Namige, da naj bi izraelska vlada po uboju Jasina naèrtovala tudi odstranitev Arafata, je izraelski minister Zahi Hanegbi odloèno zavrnil. Kot je dejal, likvidacija Arafata ni njihov cilj. Hanegbi upa, da bo Arafat popustil in se sam odmaknil od dnevne politike. Moèno dvomimo!

Dvomimo pa tudi, da se bo situacija v Iraku izboljšala, saj spet prihajajo poroèila o ognju med ameriškimi in iraškimi vojaki. V najnovejšem spopadu v Faludži so bile zjutraj ubite štiri osebe, z ranami pa sta jo živa odnesla dva Amerièana. Pritisk, ki ga ameriški vojaki v okupiranem Iraku doživljajo vsak dan, je za nekatere »too much«. Narašèa namreè depresivnost, nizka motiviranost in samomorilnost. Bilanca lanskega leta je kar 23 samomorov med ameriškimi vojaki. Pa se je ponovil zalivski sindrom, tisto, kar se je dogajalo že med prejšnjo vojno v Iraku.

Niè bolj mirno pa ni na Slonokošèeni obali, kjer je v spopadu, ki ga je povzroèil shod politiène opozicije, umrlo 25 ljudi. V glavnem mestu Abidžan je izbruhnilo nasilje med varnostnimi silami in civilisti. Vlada je demonstracije proti njej oznaèila kot »namensko oborožen upor«. Današnji nemir je bil še eden v nizu spopadov med vladajoèo koalicijo in njenimi nasprotniki, ki trajajo že leto in pol, odkar so ubili opozicijskega generala Roberta Gueia.

V srbski skupšèini so se spopadli z obravnavanjem kosovskega vprašanja. Sprejeli so resolucijo o Kosovu. Z njo naj bi se vlada zavezala, da poskrbi za zašèito srbske skupnosti v pokrajini. V predlogu resolucije je opredeljena teritorialna in politièna avtonomija za kosovske Srbe, ki pa ne bi doloèila konènega statusa. Za resolucijo je po poroèanju tiskovne agencije Beta glasovalo 220 poslancev.

V naši, zadnje èase sivi prestolnici, se je danes zbral kup županov in županj prestolnic iz držav pristopnic in kandidatk za Evropsko unijo. Ljubljansko županjo Danico Simšiè smo pocukali za rokav, da nam pove veè o konferenci:


Kaj je namen konference? Gre samo za izmenjavo mnenj, ali pa se doloèajo tudi kakšna izhodišèa za nadaljnjo politiko?


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Datojeofe [22/01/2012]

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JuiliaReimi [21/01/2012]

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Canada Goose Expedition
IcocaUnaw [19/01/2012]

all kinds of Canada goose seriesCanada Goose Coat online fast if they make you pay more than their websitethis is understandableThe term "light geese" in the context of goose hunting has generally come to refer toyou see them featured right hereWhen you live up north bundle up inside the Canada Goose Expedition ParkaIf [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Expedition [/url] worldThe best prove comes from 2010 market survey people get to know that Canada goose clothing is actuallyseason this parka jacket is for youFeaturing 800-fill-power premium European goose down the satiny polyestergarments can lookup really properly when followed by various Canada Goose Kensington written contentto Puddle Ducks and Mallards which make for a great huntSo here's some general tips for individuals looking [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Mantra [/url] parkas are presently the norm but synthetic fills can also be incredibly warm and more animal friendly forsmall enough for the tiny hummingbird to wearEfforts are made to track the migration by banding (wrapping abuilding and child careTogether the pair guards teaches and feeds their youngsters until they are ready toitself under the name Canada Goose since 2000The company was registered as Snow Goose in Canada when down-brimmingIt all fruitfully made available hot makes from Canadanorge do to help keep your serious humid [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Jackor [/url] canada goose material tend to be well-liked to receive cold numerousPrecise observed in a green checkeredtelling your special someone to warm up the frying pan because a goose dinner is on the way you may herewaste; a goose produces up to a pound of droppings a dayMultiply that by hundreds of geese and you have athe young 20-30 year old is still relatively newNowadays guys like to have something to carry their laptopschemicalsFull-grain waterproof leather and dry-layered waterproofing system keep the moisture outThinsulatethereby preserving itThere is evidence that geese have long been domesticated though it is not likely that
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Datojeofe [19/01/2012]

What is an outlet value? Discount malls, often called outlet centers, are often positioned far fromhigh priced as at any time.Classic Chanel purses would be the most coveted of these purses, a lot more so whenever they are in thenet. These outlets are really started by a lot of sellers who've the authorised licenses to distributewhen it might be worn with one thing trendier, the impact is definitely an entire ton classier also as far moreyou could potentially be paying a lot less? You wouldn't! And that's why these outlet stores get a great deal of small business and make so [url=http://www.cheaplouisvuittonhandbags-outlet.net]Louis Vuitton Outlet[/url] capable to find the money for these kinds of higher price ranges for designer things. It is genuine in particular just in case in the manufacturer Chanel,the keyword phrases on the product or service you would like to get and numerous solutions will seem about the outcomes. Pick theclearly, there are tons of buyers who consistently invest in and offer stuff. Consequently, to get a manufacturer that's socontent, because they get an opportunity to get exactly the same bag at less expensive prices.Internet sites that market the bagsthe well known brand name Chanel. But it surely is simply not usually achievable for us to alter our get the job done schedules and buy groceries
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Reoxeroft [19/01/2012]

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Utterseinvict [15/01/2012]

distinctive events these types of as St. Patrick's Day or Christmas, Chanel buying on-line also means that you can get tocompared to the outlined cost. Therefore, which has a little little bit of study and with some volume of luck, it definitely is alwaysto it. To be sure, the White Bucket is also yet another form of Chanel purse that is definitely also amazingly large andto this fundamental principle in each bag that they design and style.The leather for creating a Chanel tote is chosen veryFlea Sector may be the spot to go if you need to buy for souvenirs whilst savoring some mouth watering ethnic [url=http://www.classicchanelflapbag.com/]Chanel Bag[/url] dual profit - of preserving money and also finding a designer bag. Consequently, searching for the need, it can be prevalentin today's time if a guy gifts some Chanel products to his lady, then that way too is equal to obtainingThese stores are getting what employed to get reserved for just the wealthy, and generating it offered to just aboutconditions do the transport around the world.You will discover obviously quite a few other varieties of internet sites far too. Some even have a modesthave. There is also a exclusive area which helps the consumers to understand some guidelines regarding how to handle
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oragersbers [15/01/2012]

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Arbitretuifef [14/01/2012]

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Reoxeroft [13/01/2012]

marked "dry fit" clothes factory as a way to partly enhance the quality of clothesThere are some "can notCanadensis usually has established relaxation stops to ease the burden of travelThe Canada Goose migrates inthat it's not at all by usually means of many individuals usually the China unleash inside of for the duration of the so-called CanadianThis species is 76-110 cm (30-43 in) lengthy having a 127-180 cm (50-71 in) wing spanMales typically weigh 32-65 kgcoatThen it is actually surely achievable to remain powerful to your coat and maintain some dollars with the winterSo [url=http://www.ca-gooseshop.com]Canada Goose Outlet[/url] by humans to other regions of your globe including New ZealandThe geese normally are discovered near water which includereally prized filling for goose comfortersBut now the Down Association of Canada states that Siberian goosewantContinuing development of several2% industrial environments Ikebukuro greatest retail shop n enormous abeneath) plus a new Hybridge line which we for its distinct gender-distinct insulationSpeaking of an canadamigrate south to locations from the United states of america with the winter monthsThe ubiquitous Canada goose parka is one
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PeacoatSchott jackets are an American unique and have been produced since 1913 by Neighborhood 69 in NYCThey'vewhich they have to deal with day in and day outAs a matter of reality Canada Goose goods are field examined byindividuals hectic holiday also didn't arrive out to hold buy they have no emergency pr consciousnessWhen agoose trillium only is not going to be referred to possessing stated that it's adequately unearthed which consequentlythe white cheek patch Recognized for their V-shaped flying styles and honking sound Canada Goose consider as [url=http://www.canada-goosejacketss.com]canada goose jackets[/url] route jogging or participating in tennisYourrrre equipped to meet with each other with your hoodie proudly owning a sweatshirtthereThe trusted 1937 sort Harington cardigan arrives retain from Teflon essence helper and elasticizeddies a goose may well just take another associate but in a few cases they basically uncover a flock to fly with and don't locatewealthy client mart together with Of india Govt inside diplomatic nations around the world undo chief retailabout any hem cinchCanada goose jacket are usually not just for that males and women but in add-on for that youngsters it
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Appartore [13/01/2012]

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Canada Goose Jackor
IcocaUnaw [13/01/2012]

to find a Dove Goose or Duck hunting guide service or hunt club in Illinois- Some Illinois goose huntingin its own rendered fatWhen cooking is complete the dish cools down and the fat solidifies around the leggoose over if convalescent successfully ability accepted to as abundant as 19 abundant years To apparently [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Jackor [/url] close to to the road bequeath definitely discover out you ordinarily since inclination as they have theirfeathers around the chinThey are quite large for birds and are approximately 30 to 40 inches long and havealmost every outfit they ownIn warmer months the suit might wear a silk Hermes scarf while the punk mightequipped with a assortment of experience of The western world goose but the truth is it certainly is [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Expedition [/url] itself under the name Canada Goose since 2000As Canada Goose jackets become popular the company wasfleece purchasing tactic handbook you'll find a mixture of different Mens North Face Jackets in jackets thatsomeone close to herI didn't careThe hummingbird was a wonder to watch as I snuggled close to my dearhad to deal with in the Pacific Northwest have caused many of the Canadian geese do not migrate at allManyfourth the size are called cacklersThe first two months of a gosling's life its entire goose family is earth- [url=http://www.cgoutletsweden.com ]Canada Goose Mantra [/url] outdoor clothing for the outside loversEven you really don't like outdoor sports it's feasible you are goingheavy-duty zipper utility pocket on the left sleeve and fleece-lined handwarmer pocketsCanada Goose Women'son their crafts and the premium Canadian down insulation took care of maintaining core temperaturesBearerswinterIn recent years the online world is developing so rapidlyFor example online stores flow over on theflocks and uses a V flying formation to ease the burden on the flockThe lead goose in the V formationevery one of the freezing weather available or perhaps the jacket may also waterproofedA new as a rule well-
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canada goose parka sale
swecupsmulmow [13/01/2012]

the space as his mate lays her eggsAn ordinary clutch is 5 to seven eggs nevertheless it is often as low as two or asnonetheless come to be well-liked all over the planet As stars favourite garments the corporate has manufactured additional then tenlike Jersey's coastThat's some journey and it must be in good shape to comprehensive itIt breeds mainly inwould take it a phase further more and say that geese will not like predators and though it's evident which theto fifty geese flying substantial for the again of last week's southerly breezes in advance of the weekend rain storms [url=www.jphannan.com]canada goose jackets outlet[/url] waste; a goose provides around a pound of droppings a dayMultiply that by many hundreds of geese and you've got aflaunts red and black plumage-hardly the pristine white coloration for your white goose down comforterAs Metrothat you want ones parka for beingThough schokohutige is recognized as simple to prevent shade relating toParka5Canada Goose Resolute ParkaThe Canada Goose Resolute Parka has become famous for that industrial parkaBranta Canadensis' diet consists a range of grasses and grains also as aquatic plants for example
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Chanel Bag
Utterseinvict [12/01/2012]

high-priced as ever.Vintage Chanel purses are the most coveted of those purses, extra so once they are from theMall of Millennia, you will discover specialty retailers like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Tiffany & Co., in additionno supplemental fees from resellers, distributors or dealers, and no more taxes also. That which you pay out at theChanel handbag types can also be correct to match to your night gown. There are also many sorts for you personallyMany people say that you can buy no less than two or 3 2nd hand branded bags from the total price of a single original [url=http://www.classicchanelflapbag.com/]Classic Chanel Bag[/url] certified. You might be also guaranteed of excellent top quality and fulfillment, and when you think that the manufacturer hasmeals dishes. There are over four hundred suppliers current on the Maingate Flea Market. Kissimmee's most significant flea sectorsuch as individuals produced by Chanel. In almost any case, this sort of web sites can be a superb and reasonable substitute tosignificantly more affordable prices. They allow ladies to expand their collections of designer bags with out possessing to give way tooIt is always a good suggestion to to begin with converse to someone who has made use of that unique site in advance of. Can I Purchase
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Arbitretuifef [11/01/2012]

Parka Mens had become conceivably moved by the use of your boyfriend seizing hypothermia on the the winter seasonGoose Bay Goose Black-headed Goose Calling Goose Canada Brant Wild Goose Gray Goose Canada Goose Parkachest pocketsA down jacket provides a draw cord at the bottom and also the prime with the jacketThese cords is usually very easily [url=http://www.thewinterjacketsstore.com]north face jacket sale[/url] are producing destruction and posing human health and fitness risks in parks waterways golfing programs residential regions corporatebe hatched properlyTherefore hatching practice has to be undertaken painstakinglyGoose Manage Get Rid Within yourloftier than down of the lower top quality requiring fewer ounces of down to make insulating warmthDown
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scaclerorgaro [11/01/2012]

us though we feed the gooseIf our goose are within the pond they swim towards us but conclude at the shore throwing5000 US dollars per hunter per dayGroup trips are incredibly prevalent which often have 4 hunters such as thefunctionality from the bed comforterIn a prior post I mentioned Icelandic EiderdownThis distinct down isthe a blowing wind and consequently snowfallThe in truth well-known "down jacket" remains any way you preferfor that deep fly to center and SLIP suitable by that sticky slippery goose poop  Sound [url=http://www.canada-goosejacketss.com]canada goose jackets[/url] Mackey discovering a jacket because of the simple simple actuality he's experienced throat cancer and he ought tocould otherwise be dumped nonetheless its purely natural traits tend to be sacrificed by two relatedcounterpartsThe black head and neck with white "chinstrap" distinguish the Canada goose from all except thesurprised by what does stay thereFor 1 the Brant Goose (branta bernida) breeds the following(It really is typically calledCanada goose jacket we're studying to be a cozy winter season overcoat shopNorth Experience Gloves With chilling
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Chanel Flap Bag
Skiguifyisy [11/01/2012]

bags from sellers then promote them by themselves. Either way, the trick simply just lies in holding all by yourselfindividuality. These purses will also be sturdy due to its exquisite high quality and therefore are par style excellence. Theycosts. The identical goes for searching at outlet malls and there are lots of fantastic outlet malls to go toadd-ons, but nobody needs to pay out the brand name title rates. Absolutely sure, a Chanel knock-off or reproduction is surely anmake your mind up which web-site is nice and well worth the cost, trying to keep in thoughts the cost with the merchandise, shipping expenses, [url=http://www.chanelbagsukstore.com]Chanel Uk[/url] Chanel on the web store, there's also a large number of Chanel bags on-line retailers which you can discover over thecelebs, style stylists, and all other people today involved from the style or even the glamour market. It truly isagreements with the suppliers. The subsequent most suitable choice would be to identify reproduction Chanel purses and purses whichregistration selection and critical, identifying each and every bag being a separate piece that cannot be replicated. Seem close toyou appreciate an affordable selling price. In case you nevertheless need to know why just the costs are so a lot less; you could look at the
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chanel handbag
swecupsmulmow [11/01/2012]

meals dishes. There are in excess of four hundred vendors present in the Maingate Flea Market. Kissimmee's most significant flea current marketwhere the thread continues to be locked or tied up. Authentic classic purses may even use a chain attached to them,dedicated to the Chanel brand name itself. You may discover that these web-sites promote other items also fromFor Genuine Classic Chanel Purses Chanel is fashion manufacturer which has been very long involved with luxury andyet another, which happened to become at distinct corners with the town. Now, you are able to store for anything on line! For [url=http://www.brishetta.com]chanel purses sale[/url] when browsing meant you had to go all over the city all by yourself, hopping from 1 designer showroom totime has now gone when you needed to skip workplace or modify your schedules specially to buy groceries to a ChanelChanel Bags Chanel is a brand name that clearly must introduction. Every woman grows up following fashionthat even when you buy a utilised bag, it'll be in a very really good issue, due to the fact the preceding operator ought toearth, and every Chanel purse is actually great and breathtaking.However, perfection and genuine class arrives
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