Znašel si se na arhivu spletne strani Radia Študent, kjer so zaenkrat dostopni prispevki pred majem 2012. Takrat smo namreč za rojstni dan preklopili na novo spletno stran in prevetrili programsko shemo.

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SUBWAY 465/760 torek, 1/11.2005. ob 22,30ih (2686 bralcev)
Torek, 1. 11. 2005

SUBWAY 465/760 torek, 1/11.2005. ob 22,30ih
JELLO BIAFRA with the MELVINS – «Sieg Howdy!» CD
- Kali-Fornia Uber Alles 21st Century
- Voted Off The Islands
- Those Dumb Kids (Will Buy Anything)
- Wholly Bun Bull
DISRESPECT – «Wartorn»
- Wartorn
- Officer Friendly
- Wicked Man
The VICTIMS – «...in Blood»
- Dagar Utan Ljus
- The Answer
- This Is The End
- Min enda resa
- My Eyes
- They Are The Ones
- Victims In Blood pt. 3 - You Are Not Dead
ICTUS – «Hambrientos de un sol distinto» CD
– Hilos que sujetan el mundo
- La herida es el comienzo
BURNING SKIES - «A Premonition Of Thigs To Come» CD
– Seen Through Bleeding Eyes
- Murder By Means Of Existence («Murder By…» CD)
SIX REASONS TO KILL – Retribution («Reborn» CD)

Od koncertov:
2.11. Ljubljana, Metelkova, Gromka: Ictus, Klasofobia
7.11. Ljubljana, Orto bar: Burning Skies, Six Reasons To Kill, Evenrain.

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