Znašel si se na arhivu spletne strani Radia Študent, kjer so zaenkrat dostopni prispevki pred majem 2012. Takrat smo namreč za rojstni dan preklopili na novo spletno stran in prevetrili programsko shemo.

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THE OPUS - First Contact (Ozone, 2002) (2389 bralcev)
Petek, 18. 7. 2003

Današnja zasedba The Opus, povprečnemu hip-hop fenu zveni precej neznano, nemara zanje slišite sploh prvič, čeprav bi le stežka rekli, da gre za kakšne novodošle ustvarjalce v svetu podzemnega hip-hopa. Če se vam bo v naslednje tričetrt ure zazdelo, da ste ta zvok že nekoč nekje ujeli v svoje radovedno ušesje, se ne boste zmotili. Za imenom The Opus se namreč skriva producentska ekipa danes že omenjenih Rubberoom, ki so nas vrgli na rit tam nekje na prehodu v novo tisočletje s svojo »veliko« ploščo Architechnology. V osnovi zasedbo tvorita DJ Oats in DJ Stizo, ki sta šele po razpadu kolektiva Rubberoom konec lanskega leta izdala svoj prvenec First Contact. Plošča je sprva izšla izključno na Japonskem in se je dala dobiti samo kot drag uvozni artikel. Šele kasneje so jo izdali tudi za domače tržišče pri lokalni založbi Ozone.

S svojim značilnim zvokom, za katerega so si fantje izmislili skovanko »The Next Sound«, so skorajda revolucionarno posegli v polenjeno in že rahlo zdolgočaseno telo hip-hopa. Močno skompresirani beati z industrijskim prizvokom kovine v družbi z debelimi basovskimi linijami spominjajo na drum'n'bass upočasnjen na 90 BPM-ov. Pompozne melodije z apokaliptičnim nadihom, ki nemalokrat zvenijo prekleto filmsko, pa po drugi strani poskrbijo, da surova moč beatov pridobi finejšo, bolj teatralično plat. Prav nič se ne bi čudil, če bi se njuna glasba v bodočnosti pojavila v kakšnem celovečercu. V mislih imam nekaj takega, kot je npr. Jarmuschev Ghost Dog – The Way Of The Samurai, za katerega je soundtrack prispeval častiti RZA.

Če gledamo golo produkcijo inštrumentalov, ki se pojavijo na plošči First Contact, bi The Opus torej lahko uvrstili nekam med kreativni razčefuk Def Juxa in bolj mainstreamovsko speglano produkcijo R&B popevkarjev ala P. Diddy, vendar z dobršno mero priokusa po klasičnih ritmih stare dobre šola hip-hopa in neprimerno več inteligence ter senzibilnosti.

V vseh letih delovanja na lokalni čikaški sceni pa tudi širše, sta si The Opus nabrala celo kopico prijateljev, kar lahko že kar s prvim pogledom uzremo na plošči First Contact. To sicer ni njihov prvi kontakt s fenomenom gostujočega MC-ja, vendar pa je njihova guest lista kar impresivna. V prejšnjem RŠ hitu, s katerim bomo odprli Tolpo bumov, in se imenuje, ja že spet, First Contact, se pojavijo kar trije, eden boljši od drugega, Lord 360, Murs in IselfDivine. V skladbi Take Me To The Basement se razveselimo nezgrešljivega vokala varovanca založbe Def Jux Aesop Rocka. Poleg naštetih pa na plošči gostujejo še Slug ter manj znana Kenny B in Ricky Swords, kontinuiteta kolektiva Rubberoom pa se kaže v še enem jeznem, partizansko zvenečem komadu Live, kjer še enkrat blesti Lumba Of Rubberoom.

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Weekly radio blogger to boost traffic for radiostudent.si
Tomas [20/11/2018]

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Weekly radio blogger post to boost traffic for radiostudent.si
Marita [16/11/2018]

Hello! Love the radio content on your site! You know, most businesses get traffic from their blog, and we feel that you could use a little boost, since you are not blogging weekly yet. Writing takes a lot of time and effort, and we have just the team to come up with great content you need. You can have your new article to post on your website starting at $10 in as little as 5 business days! Check out our work and reviews from happy clients here: https://goo.gl/KGRAi4 Thanks for your time, Regards. Marita Questions? Marita@seowriters.ml You are receiving this email because the contact form at radiostudent.si is open to the public. If you like to opt-out of future communications from us, please submit your request here: https://goo.gl/u4rPbG Unsubscribe to stop getting our emails.
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Freelance radio blogger post to boost traffic for radiostudent.si
Eddy [14/11/2018]

Hi! Love the radio content on your site! You know, websites get traffic from their blog, and we feel that you could use a little boost, since you are not blogging daily yet. Writing takes a lot of time, and we have just the team from USA/Canada to come up with great content you are looking for. You can have your new article to post on radiostudent.si starting at $10 in as little as 5 business days! Check out our work and reviews here: https://goo.gl/KGRAi4 Thank you for your time, Have a great day. Eddy Questions? Eddy@seowriters.ml You are receiving this email because the contact form at radiostudent.si is open to the public. If you like to opt-out of future communications from us, please submit your request here: https://goo.gl/u4rPbG Unsubscribe to stop getting our emails.
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No time to post radio blogs for radiostudent.si?
Bob [13/11/2018]

Hi! Love the radio content on your site! You know, websites get traffic from their blog, and we feel that you could use a little help, since you are not blogging weekly yet. Blogging takes a lot of time, and we have just the team to come up with great content you need. You can have a brand new article to post on your website starting at $10 in as little as 5 business days! Check out our work and reviews from satisfied clients here: https://goo.gl/KGRAi4 Thanks for your time, Have a great day. Bob Questions? Bob@seowriters.ml You are receiving this email because the contact form at radiostudent.si is open to the public. If you like to opt-out of future communications from us, please submit your request here: https://goo.gl/u4rPbG Unsubscribe to stop getting our emails.
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