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Nedelja, 26. 11. 2006 ob 19.00 (ponovitev 3. 12. ´06 ob 10.00) RACHID TAHA: Diwan 2 (La Voix des Lilas, 2006) (3183 bralcev)
Nedelja, 26. 11. 2006

Rachid Taha: Diwan 2
Nobene Nostalgije ni
Zlasti ne ponosa
Nekaj melanholije
... Spomin ...
Govoriva o spominu
... spomini

Nekateri zatrjujejo, da so ti, ki najbolje uporabljajo (pervertirajo) spomin, amneziki.

... Zakaj? ...
... Why? ...
... Porque? ...
... La ma?
Demokrati so - ne da bi vedeli ali pa zavedoma - pozabili ljudstvo.

... Prezir ...
Sovražim demokrate (demonkrate?)
Ne Demokracije
Ljubim, to je napaka
Resnični pravopis je "LJUBEZEN"
Je Lahko zapisati ...?

Rachid Taha

Il n y'a aucune Nostalgie
Surtout pas de fierte
Un peu de melancolie
De l'espoir
Parlons en de la memoire

D'aucuns pretendent que la memoire, ceux qui l'ont le mieux utilisee (pervertie), ce sont les amnesiques

...Pourquoi ?...
...Why ?...
...Porque ?...
...Aalach ?
Ayen ?
...La ma ?
Les democrates, sans le savoir ou sciemment, ont oublie le peuple

Je hais les "democrates" (demoncrates ?)
Pas la Democratie
J'aime, ćest une faute
La veritable ortographe, ćest "AMOUR"
C'est Facile a ecrire ... ?

Rachid Taha

Ahmed Wahby

Ta noč se vleče brez konca
In jaz sem sam v sobi
Moja gazela bi morala priti na srečanje
In jaz se sprašujem o verjetnosti
Čez kratek čas pride glasnik
Trka na vrata in me kliče: "Gospod!"
Rekel sem: "Dobrodošla!"
Raztegni korak in se mi pridruži
Dolgo sem te čakal, od nekdaj
O dekle, zaradi katere sem izgubil glavo

Rekla mi je: "Ježa je bila divja
samo tako sem se ti lahko pridružila
Zdaj sem, o moja napaka, ubežnica
Vse zaradi tebe."
Udušila je ubeglo solzo
"Tale, moj angel, je usojena zate
Prav malo me briga smrt
Samo zate me skrbi
Sem Mansoura, hči junakov
Okusi torej vonj moje rože."
Hči si plemenitih Turkov
Moj duh leti med vodami

Tisto noč in vse druge
Sva preživela skupaj
V strahu sta najini srci kipeli
Po vseh teh letih
Je na koncu sveča ugasnila
Tudi, mi je rekla, vstani, ljubljeni,
Prinesi drugo svečo
Daj, ves zavoj

Nakit in kozarci so žvenketali v sozvočju
In olivno sva se predala s srcem in telesom
V soju sveč
Se mi je zdela njena polt svetlejša
Točaj, natoči zmerno
Moja lepotica je zunaj
Zohra je povedala, kako narediti
Zora je razblinila njeno postavo
Nekatere vodi pesem
Moja usoda pa zamuja
Ljubezen je sreča, zaradi katere trpimo
In nesreča, zaradi katere uživamo
Ko se je razlegel njen smeh
Sem si srečen rekel, moja sreča se je vrnila
Objela sva se kot nora
In nesreča je bila za nama

O dekle, ki si se zmožna soočiti z najhujšim
Vredna potomka prednikov
Znanih nekdaj po dolgih ježah
In zaklinjanju le na glave svojih konjev
Lepotica in zver se razsvetlita
Kot bi bila sad strele
Čistosti ne dosežem z denarjem
Dolgujem jo le sebi

Gana El Hawa (The mood struck us)
(Mohamed Hamza/Balighe Hamdi)

Love came to us, it came to us.
Gana el hawa, gana.
And it captured us, it captured us.
We ramana el hawa, ramana.
Love came to us, it came to us.
Gana el hawa, gana.
And it captured us, it captured us.
We ramana el hawa, ramana.

And her eyelashes,
We rimsh el asmarani,
Trapped me in love.
Shabakna bil hawa.
And her eyelashes,
We rimsh el asmarani,
Trapped me in love.
Shabakna bil hawa.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.
'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,
Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.
Why not tell me where we are headed?
Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.
You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,
Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.
Why not tell me where we are headed?
Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.

To a new wound?
Alla garh gedeed?
Or nowhere at all?
Wallal tamheed?
Or are you leading me finally to happiness?
Walla alla fahr mewadeeny?

Why do I ask?
Ana basal leih?
Why am I so worried.
Wehtart kidda leih?
One day time will tell.
Bokra el ayam hat warenee.

So let us keep on walking the path.
Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.
'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

(Drums and Music Interlude)

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shook, adeena.
To the entrance of forever, lead us.
Alla bar el hawa raseena.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shook, adeena.
To the entrance of forever, lead us.
Alla bar el hawa raseena.

My life is with her.
Danaa omry ma-a.
And my love is her.
We hawaya hawaa.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shok adeena.

My life is with her.
Danaa omry ma-a.
And my love is her.
We hawaya hawaa.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shok adeena.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shook, adeena.
To the entrance of forever, lead us.
Alla bar el hawa raseena.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shook, adeena.
To the entrance of forever, lead us.
Alla bar el hawa raseena.

My life is with her.
Danaa omry ma-a.
And my love is her.
We hawaya hawaa.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shok adeena.

My life is with her, with her,
Danaa omry ma-a, ma-a,
With her, with her.
Ma-a, ma-a.
And my love is her.
We hawaya hawaa.
Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.
Adeena ya shok adeena.

Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.
Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.
Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.
Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.

And the stars of the sky will embrace us,
We ya negoom el samaa domeena,
And take us far away together.
We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.
And the stars of the sky will embrace us,
We ya negoom el samaa domeena,
And take us far away together.
We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.

And let us let us keep on walking the path.
We khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.
'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.<
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

Remember us, remember us, remember us,
Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.
And try not to
We amana mayom,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.

Remember us, remember us, remember us,
Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.
And try not to
We amana mayom,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.

Remember us, remember us, remember us,
Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.
And try not to
We amana mayom,
Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.
Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.

And bring us closer, don't tear us apart.
Wet arabnaa, Matebednaa,
And bring us joy with our beloved.
Wet farahnaa be habayebna.

And if love sweeps us away, sweeps us away,
Wen khadnaa el shok, khadna el shok,
Sweeps us away, we'll finally be relieved.
Khadna el shok, rayahnaa.

So let us keep on walking the path.
Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.
'Cause she is always on my mind.
Da habibi, shaghaal bally.
Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.
Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

So love captured us and we surrendered.
Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.
And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
he who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.
Welly shabakna ye khalisna.
He who trapped us shall set us free.
Elly shabakna ye khalisna.
(Lyrics courtesy of www.arabic-lyrics.com)


Divan = pesniška zbirka

divan tudi divan -a m (i; a) zgod. državni svet v
muslimanskih deželah: sultanov divan

divan -a m (i) oblazinjeno ležišče brez
stranic, navadno ozko in z dvignjenim zglavjem:
sesti na divan; ležati na divanu; v kuhinji je stal
star, oguljen divan

1. A Muslim council of state.

2. A collection of Persian or Arabic poems (usually by one author).

3. A Muslim council chamber or law court.

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