Znašel si se na arhivu spletne strani Radia Študent, kjer so zaenkrat dostopni prispevki pred majem 2012. Takrat smo namreč za rojstni dan preklopili na novo spletno stran in prevetrili programsko shemo.

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fejsbuk rozna

Sensi smile > o oddaji
SENSI SMILE - 2nd Attempt (728 bralcev)
Nedelja, 15. 4. 2012

"I had to, like, open the bruise up and let some of the bruise blood come out to show them."

=Daniel Hamm= >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - ESC To Heaven (597 bralcev)
Nedelja, 1. 4. 2012

''An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs.''

=Mitch Hedberg= >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Borrowed Time (649 bralcev)
Nedelja, 18. 3. 2012

''Living off borrowed time, the clock ticks faster''

= Madvillain = >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Veil Of Maya (652 bralcev)
Nedelja, 4. 3. 2012

“Hell Is A Lonely Place”

=Charles Bukowski=


Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Eyes Wide (613 bralcev)
Nedelja, 19. 2. 2012

''Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills.''

= Arthur Schopenhauer = >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Dub 24/Seven (825 bralcev)
Nedelja, 5. 2. 2012

''Our goal is to introduce new music
Sometimes left handed,
Our music is from left field…
But our choice of music is always dead center''

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Another Day, Another Dollar (687 bralcev)
Nedelja, 22. 1. 2012

''Now he locked til he end up in a pine box / we gotta die but hope we live ‘til the world stop''

(The Jacka - Fed-X (Trafficking)) >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - No Looking Back, Dawg (752 bralcev)
Nedelja, 8. 1. 2012

''The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.''

- Hunter S. Thompson - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Merry Xmas (719 bralcev)
Nedelja, 25. 12. 2011

''Ko poslušam oddajo Sensi Smile, mi začne slovenska zastava na majici bledeti.''

- Vojc , ob približno 17:43 - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - History Lessons (774 bralcev)
Nedelja, 27. 11. 2011

Na otvoritvi sodobne galerije muzejev umetnosti na Metelkovi je manjkal napis ''SAMO as an alternative 2 playing art with the 'radical chić sect on Daddy's $ funds.'' >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Tree of Life (893 bralcev)
Nedelja, 13. 11. 2011



Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Heart of Darkness (823 bralcev)
Nedelja, 30. 10. 2011

''What we really work on
- more than anything -
is the frequency ...''


Dino Lalič, komentarji

SENSI SMILE - Memory Lane (848 bralcev)
Nedelja, 16. 10. 2011

Everything can be transformed, deformed, and obliterated by dub. Its flexibility is precisely the same as the suppleness of the brush. >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Strength Through Failure (979 bralcev)
Nedelja, 2. 10. 2011

''I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring. And that's my one fear: that everything has happened; nothing exciting or new or interesting is ever going to happen again ... the future is just going to be a vast, conforming suburb of the soul.''

= J. G. Ballard =


Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Steady As A Rock (1228 bralcev)
Nedelja, 21. 8. 2011

''We don't want to conquer the cosmos, we simply want to extend the boundaries of Earth to the frontiers of the cosmos''

- Stanislaw Lem - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - In the beginning, there was The Drum (1221 bralcev)
Nedelja, 7. 8. 2011

''To me the drum has been the Communicator since the beginning of Time. I'm sure it was the first Message. When I think about the Beat today and I think about the Beat centuries ago, it's the only thing that kept us together.''

- from Theo Parrish, When I'm Gone - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - The Square Root Of It All (1235 bralcev)
Nedelja, 24. 7. 2011

''When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything.''

- Umberto Eco - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - The Void (1289 bralcev)
Nedelja, 10. 7. 2011

"There is no try; there is only do"

- Yoda -


Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Way Back Home (1306 bralcev)
Nedelja, 26. 6. 2011

''So arts funding has been slashed? Good.
Is there anything more contradictory and hypocritical than a 'radical' music festival that's essentially government sponsored?''

- David Keenan - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Mixtape Season (1054 bralcev)
Nedelja, 12. 6. 2011

... Sensi Smile Mixtape II ...
[dub & beyond] >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - give me back my 0,36 grams! (1361 bralcev)
Nedelja, 29. 5. 2011

''There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.''

- Bruce Lee -

danes ob 17.00 na frekvenci 89, 3 MHz >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Zombie Days (1613 bralcev)
Nedelja, 17. 4. 2011

''I always thought of the zombies as being about revolution, one generation consuming the next.''

- George A. Romero - >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Roots Daughter Says Hi (2094 bralcev)
Nedelja, 3. 4. 2011

Roots Daughters iz Pule prihajata v studio Radia Študent s svežo selekcijo!!! >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Eek-A-Speaker (1472 bralcev)
Nedelja, 23. 1. 2011

Eek-A-Mouse, Bob, Wackies Rhythm Force, African Head Charge, Twilight Circus Dub Sound System, malo dancehalla... >>

Sensi, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Back From NYC (1440 bralcev)
Nedelja, 9. 1. 2011

Danes na gramofonu: King Tubby, The Congos, Dub Syndicate, Andre Gray, Digital Mystikz, LV, Digital Dubs in se marsikaj.... >>

Sensi, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Duppy Killasan (1650 bralcev)
Nedelja, 3. 10. 2010

Go away, Evil! Tracklist >>

Sensi, komentarji

Underwater dub (1429 bralcev)
Nedelja, 19. 9. 2010

Dub meditacije iz Terrahove glasbene skrinje ... >>

Sensi, komentarji

Šutka po Šutki (3093 bralcev)
Nedelja, 5. 9. 2010

... & makedonski roots ... >>

Sensi, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Poletje 5 (1684 bralcev)
Nedelja, 22. 8. 2010

big tunes fi di mandem-> click(!) >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji

Sensi Smile - Poletje 4 (2382 bralcev)
Nedelja, 8. 8. 2010

4. poletna edicija Sensi Smile - mutations in reggae music! >>

Dino Lalič, komentarji
