Znašel si se na arhivu spletne strani Radia Študent, kjer so zaenkrat dostopni prispevki pred majem 2012. Takrat smo namreč za rojstni dan preklopili na novo spletno stran in prevetrili programsko shemo.

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Radia Network > o oddaji
Show 366: ATC Mix by John Gough (Curious Broadcast, Dublin, IR) (571 bralcev)
Nedelja, 8. 4. 2012

ATC Mix is a compilation of interactions between pilots and air traffic controllers from airports across the globe. The conversations range from controllers directing traffic at Dublin, Rio de Janiero and Barbados Airports to UFO sightings, an air force pilot ejecting from his burning jet and Air Force One taxiing out of a closed Manchester airport. >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 365: 20 let kultnega makedonskega radia Kanal 103 (Kanal 103, Skopje, MK) (767 bralcev)
Nedelja, 1. 4. 2012

Last year Kanal 103 celebrated 20 years of its first broadcast. Kanal 103 is important (terrestrial) radio station that determined the underground scene and the open mindedness in Skopje and beyond. Kanal 103 is the only non-commercial radio station in Macedonia with cult following among the audience.

“The listener would recognise the programme because nobody else in Skopje plays music from Frank Zappa to post-rock and from Kraftwerk to modern techno.” prof. Rajko Muršič (University of Ljubljana)

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 364: Suite 106 by Gonçalo Alegria (Radio Zero, Lisboa, PT) (636 bralcev)
Nedelja, 25. 3. 2012

This piece is made in a specific environment, in an hotel room, with a set
of actions, being in a place and enjoying its monotonous nature. Hotel
rooms are not about being productive, they are made to numb you and force
you to rest.

Materials used: double-bass bow, paper tape, bathroom, exhauster, glass, mineral, water, effervescent aspirin, tv set, shower doors, digital recorder Tascam DR-100, headphones, water tap, ac unit, room phone and mobile phone >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 363: Reflections on Floating Messages: conversations and music with Annie Gosfield (Soundart Radio, Dartington, UK)) (737 bralcev)
Nedelja, 18. 3. 2012


New York based composer Annie Gosfiled visited Dartington last November for a week long residency to develop her new work, Floating Messages and Fading Frequencies, based on the secret radio transmissions between British Intelligence and the Resistance movements in the Second World War.

http://www.radia.fm/ >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 362: “Le Voyage Loin” by Meryll Hardt (Radio Campus, Brussels, BE) (799 bralcev)
Nedelja, 11. 3. 2012

Meryll Hardt is a pluridisciplinary artist living in Bruxelles.
Radio Campus had recently offered her a carte blanche. “Le Voyage Loin” is her first act in radio.
In a few short radio plays, she brought us a sound drift through her world.

- Anvers exotique (soundscape)
- A life on the Ocean Waves
- Etoile Morte
- Fascination
- Lichtspiel
- La dérive d’Ophelia
- Genetic Catwalk

All compositions by Meryll Hardt, except “A life on the Ocean waves”and “Fascination”. >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 361: Monstres by bololipsum (Radio Grenouille, Marseille, FR) (575 bralcev)
Nedelja, 4. 3. 2012



Not so far, they are there, in a parallel world. This nature documentary enters a virtual world, not far from us, the home of these mutants sounds, these beings are the result of errors and bugs. Monstres offers a journey through programs and electronic circuits, between 1 and 0, in this crack, at the sandstone of chance where they live, hidden as monsters.

2012 bololipsum & RadioGrenouille >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji

Show 360: Kunst und Brot by Cirkulacija 2 (Radio Študent, Ljubljana, SI) (893 bralcev)
Nedelja, 26. 2. 2012

To nedeljo ob polnoči se je Radio Študent premierno vključil v mednarodno mrežo radijskih postaj, ki na tedenski bazi izmenjujejo umetniški program: Radia network sestoji iz 22 radijskih postaj iz 20 mest iz 15 držav iz Evrope in širše. V mrežo smo se vključili z lastnim prispevkom, ki ga je prispevala ljubljanska umetniška iniciativa Cirkulacija 2.

Radia network - od zdaj naprej vsako nedeljo ob polnoči na Radiu Študent!

Klik za več!>> >>

Bojan Anđelković, komentarji