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Nano šmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future (2619 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 27. 9. 2010

Huda ura posojena projektu "NanoŠmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future - open process workshop on nano and micro scale reality in the fields of art". Prenos iz galerije Kapelica! V teh dneh je galerija Kapelica odprti laboratorij za raziskavo, preizkušanje in seznanjanje z nanotehnologijo - nosilca projekta: umetnik Stefan Doepner in znanstvenik Marc Dusseiller.

NanoŠmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future - open process workshop on nano and micro scale reality in the fields of art

Huda ura posojena projektu "NanoŠmano, NanoPunk and the Hacking of Future - open process workshop on nano and micro scale reality in the fields of art". V teh dneh je galerija Kapelica odprti laboratorij za raziskavo, preizkušanje in seznanjanje z nanotehnologijo - nosilca projekta: umetnik Stefan Doepner in znanstvenik Marc Dusseiller. Prenos iz galerije Kapelica!

For ten days the gallery will be used by the artist Stefan Doepner and the scientist Marc Dusseiller as a participatory lab-platform to explore and experience nanotechnology. To what extent can we expand our perception into other lengthscales by the reinvention of systems, tools and materials. The open platform of NanoŠmano tries to establish collaborative situations and develop experiencable and tangible artefacts of the future.

As the field of nanotechnology is far too broad to be investigated as a whole, we will start with a preliminary project in the field of nano-biotechnology. While nanotechnology deals with all natural and artificial phenomena at the lenghtscale of nanometers, only a few atoms, it is also the meeting point where all modern disciplines merge and have to find a common language. Allthough a real world experience of

this nanoworld is difficult to achieve and can only be perceived by the use of modern scientific instruments, logical abstraction and modelling, we will try to develop possible tools to find, build, sensorize, evaluate, see and manipulate biological nanostructures, such as motorproteins and protein-coated nanoparticles. We think that an artistic interpretation of these allows further insight into this world and produce experiencable and metaphorical realities of modern science and technology.

Within the context of a simple approach and DIY philosophy, our tools will be comparable with knowing 3 chords on a guitar and playing punk music, one does not really now the whole context ­ but gathers experience and examples for new developments ­ while creating new artefacts.

here you can find some information: http://piratepad.net/NanoSmano

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