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PROSTI PAD - Epizoda XXV - Ponedeljek, 23. februarja od 22:00 do 23:00 (4690 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 23. 2. 2004

Poslušali si bomo američane CONVERGE ter si pogledali delovanje slovenske založbe FUCK-U-TAPES, prisluhnili A.U.B., WENDY Y LOS HUEVOS RANCHEROS, SNAJPER, ST.LUCAS, TAKE DEATH, P.N.O., CRKLAKIČMA, ALWAYS ULTRA, DROPS OF SPERM, MUCA COPATARICA, ANTINOTIK DISASTER, T.P.D., SICK BASTARD ter zvočno preverili izdajo kompilacijskega cedeja EXTREME MUSIC FROM AFRICA.

Slišali bomo tudi obilo koncertnih napovedi z JULITH KRISHUN, CURSE OF INSTINCT, itn.

Danes bomo poslušali, ki CONVERGE obstajajo že od leta 1991 in so v vsem tem času nanizali 5 velikih albumov, nekaj manjših izdaj ter se pojavili na malem morju kompilacij. Svoj prepoznaven in svojevrsten stil so z leti domala izpopolnili; zmešali so hardcore z metalom ter mu dodali pravo mero kaotičnosti, na trenutke pa se tudi malo umirijo in začnejo spominjati na kakšne oldschool bende. Bend slovi tudi po nepozabnih, divjih nastopih. Poslušali si jih bomo iz albumov 'Petitioning the empty sky' (Ferret) ter 'Jane doe' (EVR).

Neodvisno in neprofitno založbo FUCK-U-TAPES je okoli l. 1996 ustanovil Matjaž Galičič, o katerem smo več lahko slišali že v prejšnji oddaji Prosti pad. Za razliko od založbe ABNORMAL TAPES je založba FUCK-U-TAPES posvečena samo glasbenemu sranju/hrupu/smehu/zabavi/dolgčasu/zajebanciji. Priznati moramo, da je 'ne-glasba' tudi oblika izražanja idej, jeze, frustracij in drugih stvari v današnjem svetu in okolici. In ob tem se lahko zelo zabavate in ustvarjate!

Kot lahko vidite spodaj, je izšlo skoraj 20 kaset (dvajseta je še v pripravi) s slovenskimi ter tujimi bendi.

Zanimivo pri tej založbi je, da so vse kasete dolge 6 ali 10 minut! Vsaka ima seveda svoj ovitek, oznako izdaje ter kontaktne naslove bendov/projektov.

Kasete so vedno bile dosegljive BREZPLAČNO in ZASTONJ, običajno so bile poslane skupaj s kasetami ABNORMAL TAPES ali pa je bilo treba za njih plačati le poštnino. Dandanes pa jih lahko najdete tudi na svetovnem spletu.

Poslušali si bomo:
a) je SNAJPER eden najbolj ekstremnih ‘shit-noise’ bendov, kar jih je kdaj koli bilo, je eden redkih bendov, ki je izražal svoj bes in srd brez glasbene opreme in znanjam, je eden izmed prvih 'shit noise' bendov v Sloveniji & ker je eden izmed redkih bendov v Sloveniji, ki je imel izdanih preko 26 kaset ter se udeležil preko 10 kompilacij v različnih formatih po vsem svetu;
b) je CRKLAKIČMA bil zelo udaren bend, ki je produciral veliko energije in hrupa;
c) je ALWAYS ULTRA parodija na reklame o vložkih, ki jih še danes videvamo na televizijskih zaslonih ter je ena najbolj originalnih 'anti-reklam', kar jih je bilo narejeno v Sloveniji;
- nekaj izbranih bendov iz obeh kompilacijskih kaset PROPAD ČLOVEŠTVA – DROPS OF SPERM, T.P.D., SICK BASTARD, ANTINOTIK DISASTER ter MUCA COPATARICA.

Še celoten spisek izdanih kaset kar skupaj z opisi v angleščini:
01 – SNAJPER / ČUKI (slovenia x2) split tape – shit-trash-noise/pop-crap shit
02 – SNAJPER / ST.LUCAS (slovenia x2) split tape – shit-trash-noise/belch-gore
O3 – SNAJPER / ROBOT 3000 (slovenia x2) split tape – shit-trash-noise/industrial noise static
04 – ROBOT 3000 (slovenia): Silence Is Rebellious (demo III) – loud industrial noise static
05 – PROPAD ČLOVEŠTVA 1.DEL compilation tape – includes 8 shit-noise-trash-crap-core bands/projects from Slovenia!! all stuff is unreleased! released together with Debila Records (slovenia)
06 – A.U.B. / HEQET (slovenia/croatia) split tape – noise-core/falsh-core
07 – HEQET / CONGENITAL HAEMORRHOIDS (croatia/japan) split tape – falsh core/junk-grind-noise
08 – DEADLY VERITY / ZWIEBACK GARANTIERT (japan/germany) split tape - experimental shit x2!
09 – IMPROVISATION 26 / PINA COLADA (sweden/spain) split tape – exp. shit-crust/ind. noise
10 – PROSTORIJA NOISE ORCHESTRA / GRUUTHAAGY (croatia x2) split tape – bore-core/noise
11 – GRUUTHAAGY / CRKLAKIČMA (croatia/slovenia) split tape – noise/grind-noise
12 – SNAJPER / CRKLAKIČMA / ALWAYS ULTRA (3x slovenia) 3-way-split tape – shit-grind/grind-noise/fun
13 – PROSTORIJA NOISE ORCHESTRA / NOISE MIGRANÄÄÄ (croatia/germany) split tape – bore-core/noise
14 – PROPAD ČLOVEŠTVA 2. DEL compilation tape – includes 8 more shit-noise-crappy projects from Slovenia!! all is unreleased stuff!!released again with co-operation w/Debila Records!!!
15 – SNAJPER / OPS-PSF (slovenia/japan) split tape – brutal shit-noise/great noise
16 – EPILEPTIC / HERMODICE CARUNCULATA (germany/slovenia) split tape – noise x2!!
17 – GURACASCA / SPRUNGREVISION (germany x2) split tape – grind-noise/experimental shit
18 – MILA / ANGEBORENE REFLEXE (2x germany) split tape – singalong crap/noisy shit
19 – T.P.D. / WENDY Y LOS HUEVOS RANCHEROS / TAKE DEATH (slovenia/usa/slovenia) 3-way split tape – HC-grind/noise/grind-noise

Vsekakor je možno ravnokar omenjene kasete imeti in dobiti tudi za vašo domačo polico, tako da lahko spodaj napišete kakšen komentar, če želite & kontaktirani boste nazaj.

Pred koncertnimi napovedmi pa bomo prisluhnili nekaterim bendom iz nekaj let starega kompilacijskega cedeja EXTREME MUSIC FROM AFRICA, ki vključuje hrupno godbo z mešanico ekstremnih zvokov in eksperimentalne, včasih že ambientalne glasbe z etno glasbo iz Afrike. Je drugi v seriji 'ekstremne glasbe', ki izhaja pri angleški založbi SUSAN LAWLY. Vključuje bende iz Maroka, Južne Afrike. Zimbabveja ter Ugande: ROROGWELLA, LUCIEN MONBUTTOU, JONATHAN AZANDE, ELECTRICITY, PETRO LOA, VICIOUS TEENGIRL, NATIONAL BIRD, GODFREY J KOLA, GOVERNMENT OF ACTION in THEMBUTI SINGERS.

Več si lahko preberete na http://www.susanlawly.freeuk.com/ .


Bend je nastal leta 2000 iz tamkajšnjih lokalnih punkrock bendov. Leta 2002 so posnel demo in leto kasneje so planeral turnejo po Balkanu, vendar jih je tik pred odhodom zapustil bobnar. Namesto tega so raje posnel 3 komade za 7 inč. Komadi so kasneje ižšli še za 'Circulation' records ter na njihovem novem demotu za 'Flying tiger records', januarja letos pa so izdal split LP z 'Anakusis'. JULITH KRISHUN preigravajo agresiven, metaliziran hardcore z melodičnimi emocore predeli, ponorelimi kitarami in dvema vokaloma.
Spodaj objavljamo tekste komadov z razlagami, ki so izšli na njihovem istoimenskem 3-inčnem CD-R-ju:

‘Heartbeat Nr. 20542956323’

Submit desteny, embrace the life,
just a Moment, the last in circle.
Unconditional devotion no matter no matter the cost.
Ecstasy draws through my breath
And I seize the moment! I seize it right now
- Reflection and source of light; death and life -
Let the life come in!
Cause‘ I just experience, what I really need.

When was the last time you felt ecstasy running through your veins? When was the last time you really felt alive? When was the last time you lived totally in the moment? When I think of my life I ask myself is this all? I do want to fucking live! I want to feel the moment, feel that I’m alive! I want ecstasy. And I want Excitement. I want moments that make my life worthwhile, just like a concert. I want to have fun all the day and I don’t want to be forced into a capitalistic work-system that oppresses my needs and kills my emotions. I want my life back! I want the pure moment of joy no matter the cost. But I’m still captured to much in my golden cage. I’m still not ready to start living the live I want to, because there’s still to much fear left. So take this song as a desperate cry for life.

‘Waste machine’

Open your eyes and you see it.
Take a breath and you smell it.
Use your ears and you hear it.
It’s all around!
Cuts your soul, tortures your mind and breaks your heart
It’s all around!.
This machine kills! This machine kills you!

Hold your breath. Close your eyes...

Escape into the arms of the last whore
And dip your soul into crappy substitudes of love.

You fool! It’s still around!
Killing you! Killing you!

(That’s the endless desert of Waste
Covering millions of desperate heartbeats,
that scream upon deaf ears of eternity.)

Everything‘s so wasted here
This machine killed all love. Killed all life.

You fool, your life’s a waste...

You always tried to abstain from it,
but you could never escape
and now you die in it.

You allways tried to abstain from it,
but you could never escape,
so die...

You fool, your life's a waste!

Capitalism is a totalitarian system nobody can escape. We are a part of it in every moment of our life no matter what we do, we always have shit on our hands. As Adorno said: „There’s no right life in the wrong life.“ There’s no use trying to abstain, we better should try to change our own lives and make it worthwhile for us. Those who want to escape the system simply don’t understand that it’s all around. So if you want a better world there’s no use in running away. Soon there are no places left where you can do your own thing, so we have to undermine the system. We can only change the things in front of our nose, so let’s do that and see how the world develops. Don’t run away, keep in place and start organising things in the way you want to. What would be possible if we all started to take control of our lives and make it what we want! – What is holding us back? It just depends on us. Once we overcome our fears we are free to do what we want and turn this boring wasteland into flowering landscapes. So let’s face the world instead of closing our eyes and run away.

‘Being blind and fingerless’

go.my world and fade away
take my dreams my everything
go.my world and fade away
to live this day unlived again

once i loved once i believed

my great exploitator take my dreams away
take my hope and everything
my great imperator paint all colors grey
and leave me blind and fingerless

with this hands i held the world
with this eyes i’ve seen the sun and all the beauty
with this fingers i stroked the wind
and tried to catch the raindrops with my tongue

once i loved once i lived
once I reached out my fingers to the vision I had
its no problem to be blind but to see and have no

beeing blind and fingerless

phönix rise and take my hand
reclaim whats lost and everything
phönix rise and take my hand
to live each day newborn again!

As we all know this whole world is fucked up and no matter what we do, we will always have shit on our hands. If we strive for a better world the change has to start with ourselfs. How can we imagine a better world if nobody changed? So it’s obvious that we ourselfs have to change radically since it’s us supporting this fucked up capitalistic wage-system with with our every-day-life. We are socialised in a certain way, that supports the status quo and we behave in a way that supports it too. So we have to free ourselfes from this foreign-set values. We need to loose our old world to be able to create a new and better one. At least it’s a very personal one and it’s an expression of the deeper sense of my life, although Paul has written it, but sometimes others can express the things that move your soul better then you yourself. But this one goes so deep that I’m moved so much every time we play it again. It always reminds me of the aim of my life and that is overcoming myself and creating my own new and better world.

Koncertne napovedi:

25.02.2004 ob 22:30
CURSE OF INSTINCT (maribor) – www.curseofinstinct.com
Klub Gromka, Ljubljana – www.metelkova.org/gromka

27.02.2004 ob 20:00
- KIKS (ljubljana)
- LADY FIRST (bled)
Izbruhov kulturni bazen, Kranj - www.akd-izbruh.tk

27.02.2004 - patek
- HARUM SCARUM (anarchapunk - USA)
- ATTITUDE (mel. punk - Slovensko)
- UTREJCH (temny hardcorepunk - Valassko)
Vrah, Roznov, R. Češka – info na malariepunk@seznam.cz

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