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Ponedeljek, 3. maj, ob 22h: PROSTI PAD (4208 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 3. 5. 2004

Nocoj ob napovedi novega albuma Neurosis, ki ima iziti to poletje, predstavljamo novejše izdaje založbe Neurot Recordings (Neurosis & Jarboe, Culper Ring, House of Low Culture, Lotus Eaters in Tarantula Hawk) in zasedbe Skitsystem, Disfear in At the Gates. Iz obilice koncertov na koncu še nekaj napovedi ...

»Ko se dve nebesni telesi združita, nastala elipsa poudari najmočnejše lastnosti obeh teles.«  Tako o svojem sodelovanju pravijo Neurosis in Jarboe, glasnica in pevka The Swans, s katero so Neurosis novembra lani skupaj izdali nenaslovljen album na Neurot Recordings. Iz njega prvi komad Within.


Neurosis & Jarboe: Within (6'17'')


Neurosis so se z leti umirili, prečistili zvok, dovolili tudi tišini, da dopolni njihovo raziskovanje zvoka. To posebej velja za razširjeno zasedbo Neurosis, Tribes of Neurot, ki je svoj ambientalen hrup vedno priporočala v simultano poslušanje z drugimi viri, pa naj gre za čričke in škržate s plate Adaptation & Survival – ali pa tiste pod tvojim oknom. Tako kot večina izdaj, tudi novi album Neurosis izide v samozaložbi, se pravi na Neurot Recordings. Album so januarja posneli v Chicagu s Stevom Albinijem. Upamo, da bo sledila turneja!


Člani Neurosis od zadnje plate A Sun That Never Sets niso mirovali – poleg istoimenskega DVD-ja in živih posnetkov iz Lyona in Stockholma (1999) sta solo, akustična albuma izdala oba kitarista in pevca benda – Steve von Till in Scott Kelly. Oba sodelujeta še v drugih projektih, ki brišejo meje med elektroniko in rokom, nocoj pa za poslušamo Culper Ring, nojzerski projekt Steva von Tilla, Masona Jonesa iz Subarachnoid Space in Krisa Forca iz Amber Asylum. Track 4, dolg 3 minute in 21 sekund z albuma 355.


Culper Ring: TRK4_3:21 (03’21’’)


Ob bolj znanih nojzerjev gre omeniti KK.Null, ki je za Neurot lani izdal album Atomik Disorder in je vsekakor priporočljiv za tiste, ki jim pašata Merzbow in Scorn skupaj! Namesto njega pa bomo poslušali še eno zanimivo sodelovanje, tokrat gre za dva projekta, v katerih sodeluje Aaron Turner, ki smo ga v tej oddaji omenjali predvsem v navezavi na njegovo založbo Hydrahead in pa seveda Isis.


Skupaj z basistom Isis, Jeffom Caxidem in Lukom Scarolo (iz Old Man Gloom, nekdaj pa tudi iz Cave In in Converge) in še z Atom/Phantomsmasherjem aka Jamesom Plotkinom so posneli minimalistično in konceptualno nojz plato Edward's Lament pod imenom House Of Low Culture. O Edwardovih ekperimentih izvemo, da jih izvaja na samem sebi in v enem od njih v zatemnjeni sobi lebdi nad mizo. Poslušamo soundrack za raziskovanje kakega potopljenega ali zapuščenega mesta, ki so ga naselili duhovi... Edward's Intent.



House of Low Culture: Edward’s Intent (13’02’’)


Hiperaktivni Turner sodeluje tudi v zasedbi Lotus Eaters, ki se je raziskovanja lotila z drugačnim instrumentarijem – in zasedbo. Plošča Mind Control for Infants je izšla lani in poleg Turnerja in že prej omenjenega Plotkina se jima je pridružil še en eksperimentator – Stephen O'Malley, ki ga je morda kdo že slišal v projektih Khanate, Sunn O))), Burning Witch ali Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine. Poslušamo kitarski utrinek pod zaporedno številko 2.


Lotus Eaters: Track 2 (04'58'')


In medtem ko v ozadju poslušamo zadnji, še neizdan kolektivni izdelek iz Neurot Recordings pod imenom Enablers, bomo za zaključek te kratke predstavitve poslušali še eno odisejado, hipijado, metalurgijo, kar pač hočete. Bend Tarantula Hawk iz San Diega je pred dvema letoma izdal istoimensko plato, ki je ljudem polagala na jezike zelo različne primerjave – od Pink Floydov do King Crimson in celo Man is the Bastard. Sam bend je svojo muziko opisal kot psihadeličen in progresiven death in glede na to, da v Tarantula Hawk igrajo nekdanji člani zasedb The Locust, Struggle in meni neznanih The Tito O'Tito Band je najbrž vsak komentar odveč. Poslušamo drugi, neimenovani komad.


Tarantula Hawk: Track 2 (6’41’’)


Če bo čas še: Gospod Kačo oz. Mr. Snake, ki pod nazivom Creature With The Atom Brain dela muziko, ko ravno ni na turneji s kakim Markom Leneganom ali ravno spet ne posluša Butthole Surfersov in Locustov. S plate The Snake, ki je marca letos izšla za belgijsko založbo Conspiracy komad A New Battle.


Creature With The Atom Brain: A New Battle (01’22’’)


Bend je nastal leta 1994 pod imenom SYSTEM COLLAPSE, po izdaji EP-ja pa so se preimenovali v SKITSYSTEM. Ze ta prvi EP je bil zelo dobro sprejet na svedski hardcore sceni, danes pa veljajo za enega najboljsih crust bendov.


Profit Hysterie, EP, 1995, Distortion records

Onskans Ansikte, 10", 1996, Distortion records

Levande lik, split 7" z Wolfpack, 1997, Distortion records

Gra varld/svarta tankar, CD, 1999, Distortion records

Enkel resa till Rannstenen, CD, 2002, No tolerance records

Allt E skit, CD, 2003, Distortion records

Poslusali bomo komad z naslovom MAKTENS MURAR RASAR iz njihovega 7"-a PROFIT HYSTERI, ter komad HELVETESMARCHEN ,iz albuma ENKEL RESA TILL RANNSTENEN.


DISFEAR obstajajo ze od leta 1989 in so do leta 1998 izdali dva velika albuma, mini CD in nekaj 7"-ov. Po letu 1998 pa so z novimi mocmi (Tomas Lindberg, nov bobnar) naredili se album MISANTROPIC GENERATION, ki je izsel za veliko amerisko zalozbo RELAPSE RECORDS in se tako glasbeno prelevili iz tipicnega DISCHARGE stila v nekaksen crust'n'roll.

Poslusali si bomo komad z naslovom EACH DOWN I DIE  iz albuma EVERYDAY SLOUGHTER, ter komadA MISANTROPIC GENERATION, ter POWERLOAD  iz albuma MISANTROPIC GENERATION.


Founded in 1990 At the Gates begins their career with the release of the EP "Gardens of Grief" which stuns the death metal scene, they are signed by Dolores/Black Sun Records. After that they release "Red In The Sky Is Ours" which is till today (one of) the best metal-cd in existence! its style is a mixture between death/black and melodic metal. Tomas Lindbergs vocals are (to my knowledge) unique, he combines hysterical screams with powerfull grunts and this gives the music, which is already very complex and dark on itself a distinctive taste, After over a million times listening I still manage to find new elements in this CD I´ve never heard before. The next record "With Fear..." is good but the sound is not too good, while "Red..."´s sound is highly experimental and balanced on the edge, "with fear.."´s production is much safer and the sound is too "flat". "Terminal Spirit Disease" was released in 1994 and is also a monumental piece of work, the atmosphere created on it is one of deep sadness, combined with agression and anger, the only negative point about is that it is too short! but it also contains three live songs. Than comes "Slaughter Of The Soul" in 1996, which shows their musical growth, and has elements of a new style of metal in it, a little taste of "cybermetal" and the sharpness of the new way of producing but still stays true to the roots of death-metal. To me it seems that "Red..", "With Fear" and also "Terminal Spirit.." stand for the past, a dark one with sadness, anger and loneliness, "Slaughter..." on the other hand stands for the future and technological agression and harshness. Unfortunately it´s also their last CD, because they can´t dissolve their "musical differences" they split in 1996, and end a promising career. Adrian, Anders and Jonas form The Haunted and make a new start. This band belongs to my all-time favorites, they seem to combine the best elements of death and black metal, and this is a very rare combination. Also they use a lot of different melodies in one song, while the lead guitar plays on the other guitar wanders off on a melody of its own but they always belong together, but you need to hear this to fully understand I think. Check the official site maintained by Anders Bjorler for lots of info on the band. Nowadays Tomas does the vocals for a band called Lock Up and Adrian has joined Cradle Of Filth.


Gardens Of GriefEP1991Dolores Records/Black Sun Records
The Red In The Sky Is OursCD1992Deaf Records
The Red In The Sky Is Ours/With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness2CD1993Peaceville Recordsre-release
With Fear I Kiss The Burning DarknessCD1993Peaceville Records
Terminal Spirit DiseaseCD1994Peaceville Records
Slaughter Of The SoulCD1995Earache Records
Cursed To TourCD1996Earache RecordsSplit with Napalm Death, limited to 500 copies
Slaughter Of The Soul (Jap)CD1996Toy's Factory+1 bonus song
Suicidal Final ArtCD2001Peaceville RecordsCompilation
Terminal Spirit DiseaseCD2001Peaceville Recordsre-release
Slaughter Of The SoulCD2002Earache Recordsre-release + 6 bonus tracks also as lim. edition slipcase


Koncerti na Dunaju:

08/05 The Promise + Champion + Paint The Town Red + Surfaholics +               Cellophane Suckers @ Cafe Schlachthaus [Dornbirn]

      08/05 The Ghost @ Kapu [Linz]

      10/05 Standstill @ Chelsea

      14/05 Sick Terror @ EKH

      17/05 Fear My Thoughts + Herod + The Plague Mass @ Shelter

      17/05 Tokyo Sex Destruction @ Chelsea

      18/05 Less Than Jake @ Planet Music

      22/05 Blood Brothers @ Flex

      23/05 The (International) Noise Conspiracy @ Planet Music

      23/05 Franz Ferdinand @ Arena

      24/05 Bats And Mice + Amanda Rogers @ Shelter

      25/05 Ensign + See Through @ Shelter

      27/05 Pennywise + Snapcase + The Slackers + The Movement @ Arena

      13/06 The Saddest Landscape + The Pine @ TüWi

      18/06 No Means No @ Flex

      21/06 Hellnation @ EKH

      01/07 Shai Hulud + Many Men Have Tried @ Shelter

      02/07 MDC @ EKH

      03/07 From Ashes Rise @ EKH

      04/07 The Dickies + Vacunt + The Hynkels @ Arena

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