Znašel si se na arhivu spletne strani Radia Študent, kjer so zaenkrat dostopni prispevki pred majem 2012. Takrat smo namreč za rojstni dan preklopili na novo spletno stran in prevetrili programsko shemo.

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Muzika ali zvok - lepota ali resnica? (3150 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 21. 3. 2005

Tokrat smo se ponovno izrekli za zvok (proti glasbi) in proti lepoti -> za resnico. Bojda je resnica širši termin, zato smisel človeku dostojnega iskanja (umetnosti) iščemo prav tam. Lepota, torej glasba, je lahko le delna pot, če nas zanimajo temeljnejše stvari.

Nothing is nothing. While Otomo Yoshihide played on a record player without a record and another one played on the sampler with no samples, we played Bob Ostertag. He is politically involved, but what is he doing? Mixing the political speeches/ statements/ archived material with sounds and turning it into music? Music = aestetics = beauty. Suffering = beauty? Not good. Don't make sound drama out of human drama. It becomes cheap propaganda.

Music is structured sound (sound drama) - cleaned from the remains of chaos (-> noise). There are different levels of amplification/ filtering. The more artificial - the worse. Do you want to hear the sound of atoms? All you need is electrical amplification (from an electrical plant the size of a small city). Technology is omnipotent. In art it has always been with technology that we project the visions. But beware of the overamplification.

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